Claudia Bechtold
8:08 PM - Public
An Urgent Message from the "Ancient Ones " to the Native American People about what Planet Earth is going through right now and what they can do to assist HER at this time . Very beautiful !!! A ver heartfelt message ....MORE VIDEOS BELOW...CLICK ON THE ARROW... Enjoy the blessings ♥ !!! Infinite gratitude to the Music "Rhythm of the Heart " by AH NEE MAH MORE IMPORTANT videos and info about Planet Earth and her final shifting and important events that are coming :Discover how YOU can make a difference and assist Mother Earth ♥ ♥ The Final Shifting of Planet Earth and Humanity: A new relationship with Earth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bSHle70df4 ♥ WHITE BUFFALO CALF WOMAN and & Her call for help to the First Nations People ♥ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OCAmNO4gEc ♥"An Important & Urgent Message Earth changes 2011- 2012 from the Ascended Masters " http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ni7sUpuR5Xs ♥ An Urgent Message from Mother Vesta about the Islands of Japan ♥ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy1cABJVTSg ♥ December 21 2012 Earth Changes The divine Plan for humanity & the Earth ~♥~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyJix_UGl1U ♥Planet Earth : A daily call to the Company of Heaven http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFgGdS4ddNc&feature=channel_video_title ♥ A Spectacle of Light is coming to the Earth for 3 days http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKtIU98pTVo ♥ Ascended Master's world message for 2012 regarding the current events taking place on Planet Earth ♥ towards 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAHwn1ODrew ♥ Lord the Maha Chohan Important Message & Call to protect the Powers of Nature & the Oceans http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPpBsB-pM1U ♥ A Mighty Violet Flame Mantra for Planet Earth ♥ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnGr4HvpVpo&feature=relmfu Help our Planet Earth now! Together we can make a difference! http://www.akashaonline.com/help_our_planet/index.html
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Matt Uebel
8:01 PM -Google Reader
- PublicOK, OK, "farting" might not be the technical term. But as long frozen ice in Arctic regions starts to melt, trapped pockets of methane gas are escaping after millennia. This could be seriously bad news for our already warming planet. More »
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Robert Blackwood
7:57 PM (edited) -+1'd on www.visualnews.com
- PublicThis stunning and powerful portfolio depicts Shaolin Monks practicing martial arts and meditating. Presented in black and white, these images seem to portray the ancient and mysterious nature of Shaolin Kung Fu.
Born in Poland in 1971, award-winning photographer, Tomasz Gudozowaty began his career with nature photography before changing his focus to documenting
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