Tuesday, May 22, 2012

WARNING - IT'S RON PAUL OR CHAOS, POVERTY AND BLOOD, Listen carefully folks, you can't say you weren't warned

Listen carefully folks, you can't say you weren't warned. Ron Paul has a plan, a list of items on the road back to Liberty and The Constitution. If we don't do this...well, just listen carefully. The list starts at 4:00 minute mark. BE SURE TO 'LIKE' SUBSCRIBE and SHARE my websites http://thedailytrumpet.blogspot.com http://www.youtube.com/user/gvloanguy http://www.youtube.com/user/gvloanguy2 http://www.facebook.com/theDailyTrumpet
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KUT News

5:59 PM  -  Public
It's increasingly looking like Ron Paul, 76, and his loyalists are consolidating clout in state party organizations with an eye toward 2016. They appear to be laying the groundwork for a future presidential run by the congressman's son, Sen. Rand Paul, R-K.
Mitt Romney Vs. Rand Paul in 2016? »
As sort-of-still-a-presidential-candidate Ron Paul continues to collect delegates at state Republican Party conventions, the question of what the
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Nathaniel Dube

5:55 PM  -  Public
I've Had Many Requests To MakeThis Family Friendly Version of 'How Can ROMNEY OBAMA Compete with Ron Paul' So That They Could Share It More Widely - The 18+ Version (Contains Some Swearing Towards The End Of The Video) can be found On My Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/WiredIntoTheGrid?feature=mhee ... or at this Link http://www.youtube.com/watchv=QcQuVhEsicc&list=PLD58B91B6C6D07F8C&feature=plpp_play_all
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From the web
After a coin toss administered by Ada County Clerk Christopher D. Rich, Ron Paul supporter Brock Frazier was declared the winner in the race for Republican committeeman in Precinct 1915 over his opponent, Roger Brown, Gov. CL "Butch" Otter's deputy chief of staff.