Friday, July 6, 2012

ACTA is DEAD !!! ACTA is DEAD !!!!... - July 4, 11:11 AM

Martha Rosler: Bringing the War Home.

Martha Rosler: Bringing the War Home. | The Remains of the Web |
For a long time Martha Rosler was con­sid­ered to be an “under­ground artist”, as she pio­neered using dif­fer­ent media and com­bin­ing them.
Her work fre­quently con­trasts the domes­tic lives of women with inter­na­tional war, repres­sion and pol­i­tics, and pays close atten­tion to the mass media and archi­tec­tural structures.
Over the last 40 years she has com­mit­ted to an art that engages a pub­lic beyond the con­fines of the art world, Rosler inves­ti­gates how socioe­co­nomic real­i­ties and polit­i­cal ide­olo­gies dom­i­nate ordi­nary life. Rosler uses a vari­ety of medi­ums, but her most rec­og­niz­able medium is photo-collage and photo-text. She also works cre­ates video instal­la­tions and per­for­mance art. - July 2, 12:47 PM

Vive la Fête - Produit de Belgique

Vive la Fête - Produit de Belgique | The Remains of the Web |
 Vive la Fête - Produit de Belgique...