Rush Limbaugh praised Clint Eastwood's surprise appearance on the last day of the 2012 GOP Convention in Tampa, saying that he "loved" the star's speech.
Eastwood took the stage on Thursday night just before Mitt Romney accepted the Republican Party's nomination for president of the United States. He spoke to an empty chair, pretending to have a dialogue with an invisible President Obama.
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow was a loss for words when he finished. CNN's Piers Morgan told The Hollywood Reporter that Eastwood sounded like a "slightly crazy uncle at a Christmas party."
Limbaugh, though, was quite fond of what he called Eastwood's "improv."
"This I loved," Limbaugh said. "I thought this was the essence of simplicity. I thought Eastwood was funny. Brevity is the soul of wit, and Eastwood demonstrated that last night."
Limbaugh added that Clintwood "was perfect" and did exactly what he meant to do, which was "diminish" Obama as a president. "He did ramble some," Limbaugh admitted. "But he eventually got to another point."
Republican National Convention 2012
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