Important things to note about Romney/Ryan Friday event: 1) they're teaming up again and 2) it's in Michigan.
politico POLITICO
RT @emilyrs: Important things to note aboutRomney/Ryan Fri event: 1) they're teaming up again and 2) it's in MichiganRomney, Ryan team up for rally in Michigan
8/22/12 11:34 AM EDT
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are campaigning together again this Friday in Michigan, per a schedule out from the campaign this morning. The two will hold a rally in Commerce, Mich., that morning, just days before the Republican convention begins in Tampa.
It's the second time they've come back together for a joint rally since the initial days of the VP rollout -- the two hosted a town hall in New Hampshire on Monday. Maggie and Juana Summerswrote then about the way both Romney and Ryan are more energized when they campaign together -- this energy is clearly something the campaign is looking to harness in the days before the GOP convention.
The fact that the event is in Michigan, too, is significant: Michigan is a blue state that has become more competitive this year, but it's still considered somewhat of a tough sell for Republicans. Most recent polling shows Obama with a healthy single-digit or low double-digit lead there.