Romney grows cash advantage on Obama
washingtonpost The Washington Post
Romney has about 50% more cash than Obama: Romney extended his cash edge over President Obama in July and entered the final three-plus months of the campaign with about 50 percent more cash than the incumbent president.
Romney led Obama in cash on hand at the end of July $185.9 million to $123.7 million, according to numbers released by the Romney campaign and filed with the FEC by Obama’s campaign.
While Romney’s campaign announced its cash on hand total two weeks ago, Obama’s team did not. Reports filed Monday, though, show Obama’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee continued to spend more than they brought in in July and saw their cash on hand fall by about $20 million.
(The numbers for both men include their campaigns, their respective national party committees and joint victory funds that raise money for both.)
Romney, meanwhile, outraised Obama $101.3 million to $75 million and also spent far less, increasing his cash on hand from $170 million to $185.9 million.