Sunday, August 26, 2012

Romney says Obama gave up on economy, has ‘admitted defeat

Romney says Obama gave up on economyhas ‘admitted defeat’ -The Hill's Blog Briefing Room 

Romney says Obama gave up on economy, has ‘admitted defeat’

By Brendan Sasso 08/25/12 12:08 PM ET
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney accused President Obama on Saturday of giving up on trying to fix the economy, saying he had "admitted defeat."

In his weekly podcast, Romney pounced on a recent government report, which found that the unemployment rate rose in 44 states last month.
He accused Obama of blaming the "stalemate in Washington" instead of working to boost job creation.
"With millions of Americans hurting like never before, the President has admitted defeat. With five months to go before his term his up, he’s saying he won’t even try anymore," Romney claimed.
The presumptive Republican nominee for president argued that he has the executive experience necessary to turn the economy around.
"I’ve led companies. I’ve overseen an Olympic Games. And I’ve governed a great American state," Romney said. "When people are telling you to give up, that’s when you find a way to try harder. When others are pointing fingers, that’s when you extend an open hand. And when Americans are hurting and families are falling apart, that’s when you put politics aside and find a way to get them some help. In a word, you lead."
Romney will accept his party's presidential nomination in Tampa, Fla. next week.
"Look to Tampa. Two days from now, leaders from all across the country will gather to show Americans that help is on the way," Romney said.
Romney's line is reminiscent of the acceptance speech of 2004 Democratic nominee John Kerry, who repeatedly said, "America can do better. And help is on the way."
On the campaign trail, Obama has argued that his American Jobs Act would have created thousands of jobs and has pressed lawmakers to pass the bill's measures. Congressional Republicans though are opposed to the package, disputing its accounting and claiming it would slam small businesses with tax hikes.
Obama has also hammered Romney's economic plans, which he says are a return to the policies that created the financial crisis. The president says Romney’s plans would cut spending on infrastructure and entitlement programs, while providing the wealthy with more tax breaks.