Sick: Wikipedia entry calls Mia Love 'dirty, worthless Michelle Malkin
Lib racists out in full force: Wikipedia entry callsMia Love ‘dirty, worthless whore’ and ‘House Nigger’==> Wikipedia entry calls Mia Love ‘dirty, worthless
Posted at 10:19 am on August 29, 2012 by Twitchy Staff | View Comments
And yes, someome edited Mia Love's wikipedia page last night and called her a whore. Liberals love women so much.
Tuesday night after rising GOP star Mia Love brought down the house with her inspiring convention speech, the stomach-turning Left labeled the black conservative a “token” and an “Aunt Tom.”
Meanwhile, revoltingly racist, woman-hating Wikipedia vandals were hard at work updating her entry with disgusting slurs like “House Nigger” and “dirty, worthless whore.” The page called her a “total sell-out to the Right Wing Hate machine and the greedy bigots who control the GOP.”
Glenn Reynolds reported the defacement of Love’s Wikipedia page last night.
KEEP IT CLASSY, DEMS: Mia Love’s Wikipedia Entry Now Being via @instapundit
Most of the sick attacks on Love have been deleted from the Wikipedia entry, but the Franklin Center’s Tabitha Hale captured a screen shot. The seedy underbelly of the Internet is forever:
This screenshot is from Mia Love's Wikipedia page after last night. Most of it's been deleted. @TexAg_FLB
But it’s the Right that’s waging a war on women and minorities?
Whomever hacked @MiaBLove page has no sense of irony. They call GOP bigots on one line & Mia a "nigger" on next.
Isn't this more than a "dog whistle"? Liberals deface mia love's wikipedia page -
More screen grabs at Gateway Pundit.
Imagine how different the internet would be if people signed their real names to posts. Look what happened to…
If you’d like to support Mia Love in her Utah congressional race, you know what to do.
A money bomb going for @MiaBLove -- and fully endorse her!, lefties defacing her wiki should be ashamed.
Seriously, I thought it was pretty well established that the mainstream democrat is a vulgar, hateful hypocrite who projects his/her inner contradictions and self-deceptions on his/her enemy. Right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but we know this, right? We know what we're dealing with.