Friday, September 28, 2012

(imagine if Bush did this) Obama Administration: We’ve Lost Track ofSyria’s Chemical Weapons (Video)

(imagine if Bush did this) Obama Administration: We’ve Lost Track ofSyria’s Chemical Weapons (Video) 

In 2005 ten captured Al-Qaida terrorists stood trial in Jordan for attempting to exploderoughly 20 tons of chemical weapons. Authorities captured the weapons coming into Jordan through Syria. It was the largest WMD cache ever captured for a planned massacre.
Now this…
The Obama Administration admitted on Friday that the US had lost track of some of Syria’s chemical weapons. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta told reporters that they are not sure if the opposition obtained the WMD or how much they may have obtained.

Foreign Policy
The U.S. has lost track of some of Syria’s chemical weapons, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Friday, and does not know if any potentially lethal chemicals have fallen into the hands of Syrian rebels or Iranian forces inside the country.
“There has been intelligence that there have been some moves that have taken place. Where exactly that’s taken place, we don’t know.” Panetta said, in a Pentagon press briefing.
Panetta said that the “main sites” in Syria storing chemical weapons with which the Pentagon is most concerned remain secured by the Syrian military. But there is “some intelligence” that “limited” movements of weapons from other sites have occurred, he said, “for the Syrians to better secure what they – the chemicals.”
Panetta’s statement follows reporting that Syrian rebels claim to have taken control of a military base that contains chemical weapons.
“But with regards to the movement of some of this and whether or not they’ve been able to locate some of it,” he said of U.S. intelligence, “we just don’t know.”
Following the briefing, Pentagon officials sought to clarify the extent of their grasp on the status of Syria’s stockpiles. “We’ve never had perfect visibility into the Syrian chemical weapons stockpile, but we have excellent information that accounts for most of it,” said a senior defense offiical, speaking on background. “We’ve seen it move, and we’ve been able to make an assessment as to why it’s been moved. This is a highly distributed network of chemical weapons sites, and we have a good grasp of what’s going on inside that network.”
What complete incompetence.
The Obama administration moved Friday to rally Syria’s opposition with pledges of $45 million in new non-lethal and humanitarian assistance.