Monday, October 22, 2012

GALLUP: Mitt Romney's Lead Tightens To 6 Points Over Obama

: 5 MINUTES UNTIL THE GALLUP POLL” let's see if this poll moves  

GALLUP: Mitt Romney's Lead Tightens To 6 Points Over Obama

Mitt Romney
Republican nominee Mitt Romney's lead in Gallup's daily tracking poll tightened slightly on Monday, as he now leads President Barack Obama by 6 points among likely voters.
He now leads Obama 51-45 among likely voters, down from his Sunday lead of 7 points, which matched his largest lead of the campaign
Romney's lead also slimmed among registered voters. He now leads that group over Obama by a single point, 48-47.
Today's results include polling from last Monday through yesterday. That means five days of post-debate polling are in the mix.
Obama's approval rating stayed at 49 percent, below the "safe" 50 percent level for an incumbent's re-election. His disapproval rating jumped a point to 46 percent.
In other daily tracking polls: Romney is up 2 points in Rasmussen's three-day average. In the Reuters/Ipsos online survey, the candidates are dead even.

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Here Comes Today's Gallup Poll...

Mitt Romney
The Gallup daily tracking poll continues to be a source of great news for Republican nominee Mitt Romney. He led President Barack Obama on Sunday by 7 points, matching his largest lead of the campaign.
Romney also expanded his lead to 3 points among registered voters, a measure that has been more favorable to Obama. 
Today's results will include polling from last Monday through yesterday. That means five days of post-debate polling will be included.
In other daily tracking polls: Romney is up 2 points in Rasmussen's three-day average. In the Reuters/Ipsos online survey, the candidates are dead even.
Check back for today's Gallup results at 1 p.m. ET...

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