Ничего себе! Мэр Нью-Йорка объявил об эвакуации (!!!) BLOOMBERG: EVERYONE LIVING IN NYC 'ZONE A' MUST EVACUATE http://flpbd.it/0nZBK
12:46 PM - 28 Oct 12 · Details

Mayor Bloomberg has announced a "mandatory evacuation" of "Zone A" the area of New
York city that's low-lying and prone to flooding. This is a change from Yesterday, and the
reason is that the flood surge is expected to be much higher than it was yesterday.
York city that's low-lying and prone to flooding. This is a change from Yesterday, and the
reason is that the flood surge is expected to be much higher than it was yesterday.
The Mayor, at his press conference, also announced the
closure of all public schools on Monday.
Below is a full Zone Map.
- Residents in Zone A face the highest risk of flooding from a hurricane's storm surge. Zone A includes all low-lying coastal areas and other areas that could experience storm surge in ANY hurricane that makes landfall close to New York City.
- Residents in Zone B may experience storm surge flooding from a MODERATE (Category 2 or higher) hurricane.
- Residents in Zone C may experience storm surge flooding from a MAJOR hurricane (Category 3 & 4) making landfall just south of New York City. A major hurricane is unlikely in New York City, but not impossible.
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Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/hurricane-sandy-zone-a-evacuation-schools-closed-monday-2012-10#ixzz2AbqO5BcO