Romney Draws Another Massive Crowd, This Time In Nevada… #tcot
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Romney Draws Another Massive Crowd, This Time In Nevada… via@sharethisRomney Draws Another Massive Crowd, This Time In Nevada…

Pics from the sold-out rally in Colorado here.
HT: Twitchy
The crowd at the Henderson Pavilion in Henderson, NV for the Romney/Ryan rally:

Pics from the sold-out rally in Colorado here.
HT: Twitchy
388 comments • 2047 votesCarolinaGirl3 • 40 minutes ago Sandra Fluke no doubt sulking as she reads this......-
mini14mag • 32 minutes ago • parent sandra fluke has become a big joke & embarrassment. Her parents must be mortified.chickadeee • 27 minutes ago • parent And o-hole, his flunkies, the DNC and the mfm all a big joke and embarrassment. This really shows how little the left knows abt. real Americans. We just said NO.
lolmini14mag • 22 minutes ago • parent We love freedom & won't be forced into anything, especially the perversions & agendas of the left.
CarolinaGirl3 • 17 minutes ago • parent Maybe Oblowhole can give her a jingle to cheer her up and soothe her hurt feelings (see that? Conservatives taken everybody to see Romney so no one was left to see Sandy!)
Rob • 30 minutes ago Re-Calibrate the voting machine..?=========================================Guilford Co. voters say ballot cast for Romneycame up Obama on machineOne of the voters, Sher Coromalis, says she cast her ballot for
Governor Mitt Romney, but every time she entered her vote the machine
defaulted to President Obama.“I was so upset that this could happen,” said Coromalis.Guilford County Board of Elections Director George Gilbert says the
problem arises every election. It can be resolved after the machine is
re-calibrated by poll workers.“It’s not a conspiracy it’s just a machine that needs to be corrected,”Gilbert said.After the third try, Coromalis says she was able to get her vote counted for Gov. Romney but was still annoyed.===============================Tearlag • 24 minutes ago • parent "It's not a conspiracy it's just a machine that needs to be corrected." Of co-o-o-o-urse it is.Dapandico • 25 minutes ago • parent How many don't check their votes before hitting the cast ballott button?
nevergiveup • 30 minutes ago This is more awesome news today!They don't show the crowds when Obama talks, just the selected ones who stand behind him.-
chickadeee • 14 minutes ago • parent I heard a news report on the radio.
Stupid scrunt just breathless abt a 'huge' crowd o-hole got. "At least 10,000 fans." (lies I'm sure.) Then of course NO mention of the massive crowds Romney is drawing. Just a statement he spoke in Colorado.LOL, it must be killing these mfm hacks that Romney is surging like a glittering rock star while o-hole is fading like a washed up jive talking ghetto grifter and there's not a tinkers damn the o-hole shills can do to save their tainted messiah.CarolinaGirl3 • 15 minutes ago • parent Yep - I've noticed that - we either get a shot from the side or the front - they never show Obama's back and the crowd in front of him anymore.
Reverend Ken • 38 minutes ago ...and people in NC are complaining about voting machines that when you vote for Mitt it goes to the usurper.whthfk1 • 10 minutes ago Hahahahaha... I wish I could see the obama's faces when they saw these pictures of Mitts crowd.. I would go.. I would love to go hear Mitt and Ryan speeches..-
mini14mag • 35 minutes ago hussein obama & cronies have nothing, empty suits and chairs is all they are. They're afraid and starting to panic.real American • 36 minutes ago Very encouraging, I've been depressed since the pResident won the last election....gettin some pep in my step lately!