Sunday, October 21, 2012

Video #Obama #Romney Almost Scrap In Saturday Night Live Spoof Of Presidential Debate

LOL: President Obama & Mitt Romney Almost Scrap In Saturday Night Live Spoof Of Presidential Debate [Video]  via  ...

LOL: President Obama & Mitt Romney Almost Scrap In Saturday Night Live Spoof Of Presidential Debate [Video]

Video After The Jump

Saturday Night Live had a little fun yesterday at President Obama and Mitt Romney's expense during a spoof of Tuesday's second presidential debate.

Romney and Obama got heated at each other throughout the debate as they fielded questions from the audience.

At one point Romney asked Obama what his salary was. Obama replied that is was$400,000.

"That's what I pay my cats," Romney said. "Now sit down before I hit you over the head with my paycheck."

Tom Hanks pops up near the end of the skit as an audience member with a question about Libya.

Check out the spoof below.