What Explains Obama's Libya Lies? - The Rush Limbaugh Showhttp://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2012/10/24/what_explains_obama_s_libya_lies …
9:03 PM - 24 Oct 12 · Details
What Explains Obama's Libya Lies?
RUSH: This is Bill in Hudson Valley, New York. Great to have you on the program, sir. Hello.
CALLER: Hello, sir. Thank you for what you do, number one, before I forget. The reason I'm calling, this Benghazi thing is a total change in our country's policy of not leaving anyone behind. And as a father of five daughters, two are still in high school, three have joined the service, I'm very, very concerned about that.
RUSH: What concerns you?
CALLER: Their safety. My son-in-law is in Afghanistan, and I just don't trust this administration --
RUSH: Oh, you said leaving people behind. You're talking about Benghazi and we got out of there leaving people behind?
CALLER: Yeah, we left those people behind. They knew what was going on, and they were just sacrificed.
RUSH: This is all very troubling. The Reuters story about these e-mails says that they didn't get them from the State Department, and they didn't get the e-mails from the intelligence agencies. So, they got 'em somewhere. I don't know where. Somebody in the government leaked these e-mails. It's either somebody in the administration or somewhere, but the State Department didn't, and the intelligence agencies didn't, but clearly the purpose of this leak -- and I don't know how you can come to any other conclusion -- the purpose of the leak is to create the impression that we coulda done something and didn't, that everybody knew. The State Department knew they had a video. They were watching it real time. There was video from a drone that was showing everybody what was going on. There was video on the ground, somehow they had video, they were watching it.
Now, the story is today that within two hours a group, a terror group, was claiming credit for this. It was a seven-hour attack. Two of the dead four Americans were killed in the last hours. We had hours to get in there. We have assets only one hour away. We have plenty of military assets one hour away. We don't know if there was a drone up there, and we don't know if the drone was armed -- or do we know that there was a drone? Actually, we do know that there was full motion video from a drone in a combat air patrol station over the consulate in Benghazi. We're hearing about that. And we had one woman call in, Laurie from Pittsburgh, wanted to know who has trigger authority. This is what everybody's wanting to know now. So this guy's got kids in the military, he's not accustomed to us leaving people behind. People are naturally taken in that direction with this leak.
I'm trying not to overstate this. But it really seems like a huge, big deal to me. When you couple with this the known lies that were constructed and told by the president, by his press secretary, by his United Nations ambassador. For a week, a video was blamed. The guy who produced the video is in jail, and he will not be out until three days after the election, by the way, so we have a purposeful lie constructed and told that is ostensibly to explain what happened, and we now know that the official administration story isn't true. It is a bald-faced lie. And we know with the release of the e-mails that the people who were lying were lying because they knew what had happened. They knew that a video had nothing to do with this. They knew that there wasn't a protest that got out of hand. They knew that this was a coordinated terror attack and a group claimed credit for it within the first two hours.
We do not know the true nature of what happened to our people. We know that there were bloody handprints on the walls of the consulate. Foreign press has reported Fox had a great special on this over the weekend where they tried to reconstruct what happened. They had video inside the consulate after the attack showing the ransacking and the destruction, and they showed the pathway, they showed the places where the ambassador had gone for secure safety, and had been corrupted and where he had been gotten to, where he was dragged. They had it all. It is known where what happened, happened, in that consulate.
But against all of this, now, is seven or eight days of Barack Obama and Jay Carney and everybody else in the administration lying and blaming it on the video. Now, this is the second call today from somebody who's expressed concern that we don't leave people behind. And the only reason people are thinking that, folks, is because the news now is that people at the highest levels of our government knew in real time what was going on, and they didn't lift a finger to stop it or to do anything about it. Now, you want to talk about hard to process. If people are having a tough time trying to understand that, they're gonna have an even tougher time being made to understand that that had to happen for a reason.

So up until today, when we got this phone call from Laurie in Pittsburgh, nobody was asking the question about the weapons on the UAV and who had the kill chain authority. Somebody in the Pentagon or the Situation Room in the White House watching that video -- and believe me, they were -- if the State Department was watching the video, believe me, they were watching it in the Situation Room. There were e-mails, there were phone calls, the people in the White House knew, real time, what was happening. Somebody there, somebody in this mix would know what the rules of engagement are. You and I don't. We don't know who has authority to okay a response. You know, authorize deployment of some of the resources and assets that we had, say, in Italy. We don't know if there were weapons on the drone that could have been fired. We have no idea. But somebody did