What I would like to know ….: Who have we been and who are we arming in Libya and Syria? This includes direct a... http://bit.ly/UDf31R
3:20 PM - 24 Oct 12 · Details
Who have we been and who are we arming in Libya and Syria? This includes direct arming and indirect transfer through other countries or groups. I would also like to know if we are keeping track of the weapons.
Just imagine, if a presidential candidate had said the following before the 2008 election.
At the conclusion of my first term in office, gas prices will double.
America will be fractured and more divided by race, class and economic political warfare.
Trillions of your tax dollars will be wasted on crony capitalism for my political contributors and not so-shovel-ready jobs, the UAW and pension funds while bondholders are hosed.
I will attack my political enemies with the power of government, and I will take credit for killing Osama bin Laden with the Bush administration intelligence infrastructure that I lambasted as a senator.
I will funnel thousands of weapons to Mexican drug cartels, which will be used to kill an American agent, and then initiate an executive order to hide the truth and protect the Attorney General.
I will take credit for trade treaties negotiated under President Bush while offering none of my own, and ignore and negate laws I don’t like to I will protect my political allies especially Eric Holder.
The economy will have the weakest recovery in American history.
I will increase the national debt about 6 trillions dollars during my first term.
The number of people on food stamps will increase from 32 million to well over 47 million.
There will be well over 23 million people out of work.
The unemployment numbers will increase from 5.4% and will grow to well over 8%. This 8% will be reported to the American people but real time numbers are anywhere from 10% to well over 14%.
The number of American people living in poverty will double.
Everybody will pay their “fair share” except the 49% that pay no federal income tax.
I will force Obama care on to the American people even though over 65% don’t want it and lie and hide the truth about Obama care from them.
Michelle and I, along with our children and friends of the family will take over 16 expensive vacations in 3 years to places like Maine, Martha’s Vineyard, New York, Hawaii, India, Spain ($467K), Africa ($424K) and a ski trip to Aspen (83K).
I will play well over 100 rounds of golf, attend the most campaign fund raisers any incumbent president ever has done, and become a Hollywood celebrity appearing on television shows like Jimmy Fallon, Oprah, Jay Leno and the View.
I promise to present a phony birth certificate and use a SSN issued to me in March 1977 that was issued to another person who was born in 1890 that lived in Connecticut and lived in Connecticut from 1977 to 1979.
I promise to spend millions to hide and cover up my college transcripts that will prove that I applied for financial aid and I was awarded a Fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. Keep in mind, that to qualify for this scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship.
I will also hide and cover up the fact that I am also known as Barry Soetoro, my religion is Islam and my nationality is Indonesian.
An American ambassador and 3 other Americans will be murdered for the first time in 30 years while I lie about the causes and our response to protect my re-election efforts.
My administration will lie about every bad thing that happens and blame any of my failures on everyone but me.
barack obama does not deserve for more minutes let alone four more years.
Please note that I cannot completely list everything.
At the conclusion of my first term in office, gas prices will double.
America will be fractured and more divided by race, class and economic political warfare.
Trillions of your tax dollars will be wasted on crony capitalism for my political contributors and not so-shovel-ready jobs, the UAW and pension funds while bondholders are hosed.
I will attack my political enemies with the power of government, and I will take credit for killing Osama bin Laden with the Bush administration intelligence infrastructure that I lambasted as a senator.
I will funnel thousands of weapons to Mexican drug cartels, which will be used to kill an American agent, and then initiate an executive order to hide the truth and protect the Attorney General.
I will take credit for trade treaties negotiated under President Bush while offering none of my own, and ignore and negate laws I don’t like to I will protect my political allies especially Eric Holder.
The economy will have the weakest recovery in American history.
I will increase the national debt about 6 trillions dollars during my first term.
The number of people on food stamps will increase from 32 million to well over 47 million.
There will be well over 23 million people out of work.
The unemployment numbers will increase from 5.4% and will grow to well over 8%. This 8% will be reported to the American people but real time numbers are anywhere from 10% to well over 14%.
The number of American people living in poverty will double.
Everybody will pay their “fair share” except the 49% that pay no federal income tax.
I will force Obama care on to the American people even though over 65% don’t want it and lie and hide the truth about Obama care from them.
Michelle and I, along with our children and friends of the family will take over 16 expensive vacations in 3 years to places like Maine, Martha’s Vineyard, New York, Hawaii, India, Spain ($467K), Africa ($424K) and a ski trip to Aspen (83K).
I will play well over 100 rounds of golf, attend the most campaign fund raisers any incumbent president ever has done, and become a Hollywood celebrity appearing on television shows like Jimmy Fallon, Oprah, Jay Leno and the View.
I promise to present a phony birth certificate and use a SSN issued to me in March 1977 that was issued to another person who was born in 1890 that lived in Connecticut and lived in Connecticut from 1977 to 1979.
I promise to spend millions to hide and cover up my college transcripts that will prove that I applied for financial aid and I was awarded a Fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. Keep in mind, that to qualify for this scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship.
I will also hide and cover up the fact that I am also known as Barry Soetoro, my religion is Islam and my nationality is Indonesian.
An American ambassador and 3 other Americans will be murdered for the first time in 30 years while I lie about the causes and our response to protect my re-election efforts.
My administration will lie about every bad thing that happens and blame any of my failures on everyone but me.
barack obama does not deserve for more minutes let alone four more years.
Please note that I cannot completely list everything.
Charlotte • 5 hours ago • parent This entire list just makes me sick to my stomach! 'Comment 'SSN issued to me in March 1977 that was issued to another person who was born in 1890 that lived in Connecticut and lived in Connecticut from 1977 to 1979' (???? where is this information in a cloud somewhere along with the college transcripts) Great post, very scary and I can't believe I know people who blindly voted for him and are actually proud of it!rudy9172 • 5 hours ago • parent Just for you!
Obama's Social Security Number challenged
Exclusive: Jack Cashill reports on woman's court filing based on myriad anomalies
Published: 6 hours ago
by Jack Cashill
Jack Cashill is an Emmy-award winning independent writer and producer with a Ph.D. in American Studies from Purdue. His latest book is the blockbuster "Deconstructing Obama."
If Barack Obama has an immediate eligibility problem, it is more likely to derive from the Social Security Number he has been using for the last 25 years than from his birth certificate.
Ohio private investigator Susan Daniels has seen to that. On Monday, July 2, she filed suit in Geauga County (Ohio) Common Pleas Court demanding that Jon Husted, Ohio secretary of state, remove Obama’s name from the ballot until Obama can prove the validity of his Social Security Number.
Daniels, who has vetted thousands of Social Security Numbers for numerous other clients, has done her homework. In her filing, she thoroughly documents her contention “that Barack Obama has repeatedly, consistently, and with intent misrepresented himself by using a fraudulently obtained Social Security Number.”
To acquire appropriate standing in court, Daniels has gone to the trouble of establishing herself as a valid write-in candidate for president. Before she is through, this 70-something mother of seven, who has been a licensed Ohio PI since 1995, may cause Obama more trouble than the Romney campaign.
Daniels started her investigation in August 2009. Given her profession, she has been able to access a variety of proprietary databases. What she learned without much trouble is that Obama has been using a Social Security Number with the prefix “042″ since 1986.
As she discovered, the “042″ number is reserved for the exclusive use of individuals who register in Connecticut. When she ran 10 sequential numbers before and after Obama’s, all returned with the documentation “issued 1977-1979 in CT.”
When Daniels ran the numbers immediately flanking Obama’s, she came to the firm conviction that Obama’s number was issued in March 1977 in Connecticut.
By all accounts, as Daniels thoroughly documents, Obama was then a 15-year-old living in Hawaii. There is no record of him even visiting Connecticut in or near this time frame.
To have gotten a Social Security card at this time Obama would have had to show up for a “mandatory in-person interview.” This could not have taken place in Connecticut. Obama’s sister, Maya, by contrast, uses a number appropriate for a Hawaiian resident.
Daniels checked other databases as well to validate her findings, including the Massachusetts Department of Motor Vehicles and the IRS. Yes, Obama used the 042 number to get a driver’s license when at Harvard and as recently as on his 2009 income tax return.
In her research, Daniels kept coming across what she calls a “marked anomaly,” one she had never seen before – multiple birthdates listed for the same person. The 08/04/1961 and 04/08/1961 variation made sense, but the frequent appearance of the year “1890″ did not.
The ample evidence Daniels gathered led her to believe that the 042 number Obama has been using “had previously been issued to another person,” one who lived in Connecticut between 1977 and 1979 and who was born in 1890.
This assertion can be verified. By law, the Social Security Administration will have kept on microfilm a copy of the original SS-5 application attached to a particular Social Security Number. Daniels, however, does not have access to that microfilm.
For this reason, Daniels has filed suit. “Defendant Husted, through this filing,” she argues, “has been made aware that the Democratic Candidate has been using a fraudulent Social Security Number, which would render Barack Obama ineligible under both the Ohio and U.S. Constitutions.”
Daniels asks the court, among other things, to issue an injunction against Obama’s name appearing on ballot until it is determined that he is using a proper Social Security Number.
Given the response of courts elsewhere, it is unlikely that Daniels will find satisfaction in Geauga County or from the Republican secretary of state.
What Daniels has done, however, is establish a paper trail so indisputably legitimate that even the most squeamish of conservative media will have a hard time finding fault.
The major media, of course, will not bother to look. It is up to our Beltway brethren to step up and ask some very basic questions of the president that they, through their timidity in 2008, helped elect. The Romney campaign cannot talk about this issue without their support.
http://www.wnd.com/2012/07/oba...Tanya Mack • 5 hours ago • parent Just as Arpaio/Zullo concluded in their investigation. And sadly, just like their proof, hers will be ignored, EVEN by "conservative media" (like FNC). I am at a loss as to why everyone keeps turning away from all of the evidence that has been presented, both by her & by Zullo. If this had been Bush, Romney, even Reagan-EVERYONE would be all over it. It's very disappointing.
rudy9172 • 5 hours ago • parent Obama's Social Security Number challenged
Exclusive: Jack Cashill reports on woman's court filing based on myriad anomalies
by Jack Cashill
Jack Cashill is an Emmy-award winning independent writer and producer with a Ph.D. in American Studies from Purdue. His latest book is the blockbuster "Deconstructing Obama."
If Barack Obama has an immediate eligibility problem, it is more likely to derive from the Social Security Number he has been using for the last 25 years than from his birth certificate.
Ohio private investigator Susan Daniels has seen to that. On Monday, July 2, she filed suit in Geauga County (Ohio) Common Pleas Court demanding that Jon Husted, Ohio secretary of state, remove Obama’s name from the ballot until Obama can prove the validity of his Social Security Number.
Daniels, who has vetted thousands of Social Security Numbers for numerous other clients, has done her homework. In her filing, she thoroughly documents her contention “that Barack Obama has repeatedly, consistently, and with intent misrepresented himself by using a fraudulently obtained Social Security Number.”
To acquire appropriate standing in court, Daniels has gone to the trouble of establishing herself as a valid write-in candidate for president. Before she is through, this 70-something mother of seven, who has been a licensed Ohio PI since 1995, may cause Obama more trouble than the Romney campaign.
Daniels started her investigation in August 2009. Given her profession, she has been able to access a variety of proprietary databases. What she learned without much trouble is that Obama has been using a Social Security Number with the prefix “042″ since 1986.
As she discovered, the “042″ number is reserved for the exclusive use of individuals who register in Connecticut. When she ran 10 sequential numbers before and after Obama’s, all returned with the documentation “issued 1977-1979 in CT.”
When Daniels ran the numbers immediately flanking Obama’s, she came to the firm conviction that Obama’s number was issued in March 1977 in Connecticut.
By all accounts, as Daniels thoroughly documents, Obama was then a 15-year-old living in Hawaii. There is no record of him even visiting Connecticut in or near this time frame.
To have gotten a Social Security card at this time Obama would have had to show up for a “mandatory in-person interview.” This could not have taken place in Connecticut. Obama’s sister, Maya, by contrast, uses a number appropriate for a Hawaiian resident.
Daniels checked other databases as well to validate her findings, including the Massachusetts Department of Motor Vehicles and the IRS. Yes, Obama used the 042 number to get a driver’s license when at Harvard and as recently as on his 2009 income tax return.
In her research, Daniels kept coming across what she calls a “marked anomaly,” one she had never seen before – multiple birthdates listed for the same person. The 08/04/1961 and 04/08/1961 variation made sense, but the frequent appearance of the year “1890″ did not.
The ample evidence Daniels gathered led her to believe that the 042 number Obama has been using “had previously been issued to another person,” one who lived in Connecticut between 1977 and 1979 and who was born in 1890.
This assertion can be verified. By law, the Social Security Administration will have kept on microfilm a copy of the original SS-5 application attached to a particular Social Security Number. Daniels, however, does not have access to that microfilm.
For this reason, Daniels has filed suit. “Defendant Husted, through this filing,” she argues, “has been made aware that the Democratic Candidate has been using a fraudulent Social Security Number, which would render Barack Obama ineligible under both the Ohio and U.S. Constitutions.”
Daniels asks the court, among other things, to issue an injunction against Obama’s name appearing on ballot until it is determined that he is using a proper Social Security Number.
Given the response of courts elsewhere, it is unlikely that Daniels will find satisfaction in Geauga County or from the Republican secretary of state.
What Daniels has done, however, is establish a paper trail so indisputably legitimate that even the most squeamish of conservative media will have a hard time finding fault.
The major media, of course, will not bother to look. It is up to our Beltway brethren to step up and ask some very basic questions of the president that they, through their timidity in 2008, helped elect. The Romney campaign cannot talk about this issue without their support.