Obama takes the high road, calls his opponent a "bullshitter." If that's not presidential, I don't know what is. http://bit.ly/TXNASZ
Wow. President Classy: Obama tells Rolling Stone that Romney is a ‘bullshitter’
Just when you thought President Obama couldn’t stoop any lower, here he goes again. In an interview with Rolling Stone (yet another hard-hitting media outlet for President Hip-Hop) he said this about Mitt Romney: ”Kids have good instincts. They look at the other guy and say, ‘Well, that’s a bullshitter, I can tell.”
No, really. He projects too much!
Obama on Romney: "Kids have good instincts. They look at the other guy and say, ‘Well, that’s a bullshitter, I can tell.’” (Rolling Stone)— Matt Vasilogambros (@MattVas) October 25, 2012
Worse, that was in response to a Rolling Stone editor, who told Obama that he had asked his six-year-old what she wanted him to say to the president. She said to tell him, “You can do it.“
And Obama’s first thought was that this six-year-old child could see a “bullshitter.”
What a disgrace! We suppose such childish, stompy foot and low-class behavior should be expected from President Obama at this point. It’s predictable. And one could surely toss the old school-yard taunt “it takes one to know one” right back at him.
Would a "pot calling the kettle black" remark be racist? RT @toddstarnes: Obama calls Romney a "bullshitter." politico.com/playbook/— Erik Rush (@erikrush) October 25, 2012
Takes one to know one, I guess. RT @weaselzippers: Obama Calls Mitt Romney A “Bullshitter”… shar.es/cYe3a via @sharethis— Harry(@Tark31) October 25, 2012
Projection MT @thefix: "Kids have good instincts.They look at the other guy and say, 'Well, that’s a bullshitter, I can tell.'" -- Obama— Rschrim (@Rschrim) October 25, 2012
But, you know, most people aren’t the President of the United States.
For shame, President Classless.
Twitter users agree.
How presidential MT @thefix: "Kids have good instincts.They look at the other guy and say, 'Well, that’s a bullshitter, I can tell.'" Obama— Brian Cook (@BCookMN) October 25, 2012
Obama: "Romney is a bullshitter!" bit.ly/UGPI7e You just don't get any classier than our POTUS! /sarc— An American Patriot (@Onelifetogive) October 25, 2012
— Barbara McMahon (@southsalem) October 25, 2012
Classy: Obama Calls Romney a ‘Bullshitter’ jammiewf.com/?p=19491— JammieWearingFool (@JammieWF) October 25, 2012
Well isn't that rich RT @toddstarnes: Obama calls Romney a "bullshitter."politico.com/playbook/— Alisa (@think_4_once) October 25, 2012
You can always count on #Obama to keep things dignified & presidential: #Romney's a 'Bullshitter' weeklystandard.com/blogs/obama-ro…— Scott St. Clair (@PiperScott1949) October 25, 2012
When have you EVER heard a sitting President publically call his opponent a bullshitter?Only a Chicago thug.#GOP po.st/3fplid— Michael Mullis (@StingerNLG) October 25, 2012