Barack Obama can not defeat Mitt Reagan

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks during a campaign rally at University of Findlay on October 28, 2012 in Findlay, Ohio.
Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
It really is like 1980 all over again. Theskewed media polls in October of 1980 made it look like Jimmy Carter was running strong against Ronald Reagan who was about to crush Carter in a landslide. But this year is different. Barack Obama is by far the worst president in the history of the country.Obama is the only president in our life times who has actually thwarted, via his economically ignorant policies, what could have been a robust recovery. He saddled this economy with record tax increases on job creators, record numbers of citizens on welfare and food stamps and then has threatened its complete destruction withimposing ObamaCare on the country. No legislation will have destroyed more jobs and driven more small businesses out of business than ObamaCare if it is allowed to reach full implementation. As a result, we have an almost zero economic growth and jobless so-called recovery. We also have a president who is entirely clueless, totally out of touch and is so ideologically bigoted that he couldn't care less what affects his failed far left policies have on families and small businesses. This president has absolutely no sympathy or empathy for the victims of the economic destruction he has caused. In that he borders on showing symptoms of being a sociopath.
As real unemployment is clearly somewhere between 11 percent to as high as 16 percent, most Americans know the economy is worse than it was when President Obama took office almost four years ago. They know we're not better than were were four years ago or before the last $5 trillion of national debt was added by Obama's reckless, irresponsible and destructive federal spending spree. Many believe what we really need is a second coming of Ronald Reagan to look to for the leadership to take the country out of this mess created by the failed leftist economic policy of liberal Democrats.
Many voters don't realize we have precisely that option to vote for in the election this Fall, the candidate I'm going to call Mitt Reagan. Yes I'm referring to Mitt Romney. Like Ronald Reagan, Mitt Romney had to govern a very liberal state dominated by liberal Democrats in the state legislature and did quite well in doing so, balancing the budget, cutting taxes and improving the state economy. Like Reagan, Mitt Romney understands that it's necessary to cut tax rates to grow the economy to bring in the revenue that will pay the bills and help balance the budget. As Reagan understood, and Romney understands, increasing tax rates only suppresses economic activity and explodes the deficit. They have both know that creating jobs only happens in a dynamic and growing economy where the free market is allowed to work and millions of Americans can start and succeed as owners of small businesses that create most of our good paying jobs.
The Democrats are ideologically bigoted, remaining committed to the same failed liberal policies that cause the decline of America every time we make the mistake of electing liberal Democrats to run the federal government. The only exception to that is Bill Clinton when he took the political advice of Dick Morris to moderate his policies and the economic advice from the great economist Arthur Laffer and cut the capital gains tax in half that lead to the economic growth of the 1990s that would not have otherwise happened. The presidencies of Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama have been the most failed and ineffective presidencies in modern history. We can restore a growing economy, America's image in the world community, rebuild the military that could be devastated by Obama budget cuts and restore American Exceptionalism if we elect Mitt Romney as our next president.
It really is like 1980 all over again. That's why we need to get it right this time too and vote for Mitt Reagan on election day. That is, vote for Mitt Romney on election day.
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