Monday, November 5, 2012

Video #Syria Forget car bombs; see Assad's bombs

Election Eve Rasmussen Poll Has Romney & Obama Tied in Ohio with 49 Percent Each

The final Rasmussen Reports survey of likely Ohio voters shows that in Ohio, the 2012 presidential race is a tie. The poll shows both Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama locked in a dead heat with 49 percent support each.
One percent of those surveyed favor another candidate in the race, and another one percent is undecided.
Last week, the race in Ohio was tied after Romney had posted a slight 50% to 48% advantage a few days earlier. In every Rasmussen survey in Ohio since May, the candidates have been within two percentage points of each other.
If Romney wins Virginia and Florida, he will also need to win either Ohio or Wisconsin in order to be on track to get enough Electoral College votes to win the White House.
The survey also showed that 40 percent of likely voters in Ohio have already voted, and among these voters, Obama leads 60% to 37%. Ninety-three percent say that they have made up their minds about who they'll vote for, and in this group its 50% Obama and 49% Romney.
Romney has a three point edge over Obama in voter trust when it comes to the economy, a two point lead in the area of job creation, and one point ahead in energy policy. Meanwhile, Obama leads Romney by more than four points when it comes to housing issues and by two points in the area of national security.
The survey of 750 Likely Voters in Ohio was conducted on November 4, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 4 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC.