Nov29: #Video Records show Russia printing money for Syria
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Nov15: #Syria As new Opposition forms at #Qatar meeting, #Israel finally loses patience & returns fire to Syria

Magruders - PerfectSTranger - Late 80's Early 90's - Robby.wmv
Aug17: #Egypt's M.B. islamic president 'to visit Iran' - first such visit since overthrow of the shah in 1979
Robby Ball - Google+ - #ForFriends #photo #EarthMyMother
#FF : #Egypt Mursi defends new powers amid protests is the guardian of stability.?
#Obama Near Pact to Cut $1 Billion From Egypt’s Debt – Egyptday1
Robby Ball - Google+ - Autumnal trees in the Bavarian Forest~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~…
Nov28: #Syria Smugglers apprehended trying to bring … – Egyptday1
See on – News from Syria Nov28 #Syria Smugglers apprehended trying to bring 35 missiles from Libya to … foiled an attempt to smuggle 35 missiles See on
Robby Ball - Google+ - God is Great
Robby Ball - Google+ - Colors under the full moon unobserved. :-)Hypericum Rosa
Nov15: #Syria Border guards foiled an attempt to smuggle 35 missiles coming from Libya
Nov18: #Israel How does Israel's #IronDome missile shield work? #Gaza | Egyptday1
Robby Ball - Google+ - Rose change in pink.
Robby Ball - Google+ - Ojo !!
#FF : Egypt protesters torch Muslim Brotherhood offices in Anger Over Power Grab by #Morsi
#FF : Egypt’s Morsi Assumes Dictatorial Powers Paving Way For Sharia.This Is What Obama Wants For US
Libertà (Al Bano & Romina Power)
Romney says 100000′s have given up, latest … – Egyptday1 – Blog
#FF : #Morsi issued a decree on Thursday expanding his powers and shielding his decisions from judicial review
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Robby Ball - Google+ - Guten Abend meine Freunde!Bin nicht rasiert, aber schön…
Robby Ball - Google+ - #ForFriends #photo #EarthMyMother
#FF : Atlanta Airport Workers Reportedly Egged Saints' Bus, No love lost between theNew Orleans Saints and the Atlanta Falcons
Robby Ball - Google+ - ooo do u think that it is fake?it could be Island of…
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