US Congress has no authority to ask Obama about Libya. (Stevens was under UN/NATO Command)
8:37 PM - 9 Nov 12 · Details
November 09, 2012
US Congress has no authority to ask Obama about Libya. (Stevens was under UN/NATO Command)
Stevens, in Libya was at a hybrid CIA./State Dept Post with full knowledge that Libya was an under taking by the UN and NATO.
The US Congress ceded all of its constitutional rights when it didn't impeach Obama or attempt to remove Hillary Clinton after the invasion of Libya, even though Obama was in South America and playing soccer ball at the time.
Ambassador Rice at the UN along with Hillary Clinton are the ones that pushed for Libya, because they were instructed by their racist and nazi banker owners and also because it isn't their children that has to fight these wars.
The US Congress is invalid along with the US Senate, I do not recognize the authority of the US Government and if Obama along with Panetta made a speech and sat before Congress, like Panetta did, informing Congress that the UN and NATO is the authority for invading Libya, well Congress has no rights to now beg for reports about Stevens.
Ambassador Stevens knew that he was under UN Command and therefore the UN is ultimately responsible for answering any questions and still they aren't obligated to speak with Congress.
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