Dec7: Benghazi. What exactly happened? So the i #Libya assault was “was an attack by Iran”?
Russia and Turkey fail to agree on Syria
Nov15: #Syria As new Opposition forms at #Qatar meeting, #Israel finally loses patience & returns fire to Syria

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Aug17: #Egypt's M.B. islamic president 'to visit Iran' - first such visit since overthrow of the shah in 1979
Dec5: Even More #Morsi Aides Resign as Egypt Deploys Tanks in Cairo
Dec5: UN will deploy patriot missiles in #Turkey Syria prepping chemical weapons this isn't good news.
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Dec5: #Egypt’s highest judicial body will oversee a vote on the new constitution
Dec11: Ex-Libya minister tells of death fearsm Dr Hamroush said she became a marked women | Egyptday1
Dec7: Netherlands agrees to NATO request to send Patriot missiles and personnel to Turkey to defend against Syria, | News from Syria
Dec5: #Syria USS Eisenhower 8,000 men, arrived at the Syrian coast yesterday, potential ground intervention
Dec13: Charley Magruders - Anyone remember Butch when he had long hair and he was in that Heavy Metal band? I found this old video
‘Iran & Russia next NATO targets after Syria’
Nov15: #Syria Border guards foiled an attempt to smuggle 35 missiles coming from Libya
Nov18: #Israel How does Israel's #IronDome missile shield work? #Gaza | Egyptday1
Dec3: #Egypt Egyptian constitution could restrict and severely undermine the rights of women and girls
Dec5: #Morsi Morsy claimed the move was intended to safeguard the revolution. | Egyptday1
#Egypt Egyptian constitution could restrict and severely undermine the rights of women and girls
Robby Ball's Photos | Facebook
Dec12: #Syria Moscow has admitted the possibility that the Syrian opposition may emerge victorious
Robby Ball's Photos | Facebook
Dec12: They disagree about Syria but Russia and Turkey keep close business relations
Dec11: Ex-Libya minister tells of death fearsm Dr Hamroush said she became a marked women
Dec7: Why Is Chemical Warfare Obama’s ‘Red Line’ in Syria? Assad may be preparing to use
Dec12: Instead of black gold, Libya eyes olive oil
Dec4: Benghazi. What exactly happened? So the i #Libya assault was "was an attack by Iran"?
Dec7: UN will deploy patriot missiles in #Turkey Syria prepping chemical weapons this isn’t good news.
Hillary Clinton: A unified Syria 'cannot include Assad' | News from Syria
Dec5: #Morsi Morsy claimed the move was intended to safeguard the revolution.
BELFAST, Northern Ireland — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton flew here on Friday for a brief, valedictory visit that contrasted calls for peace with the discovery of two bombs unconnected with her diplomacy, underscoring the continued power...
Dec12: #Syria Syrian government losing control ? Russian official has said for the first time that the Syrian government may be defeated