9:23 AM - 16 Dec 12 · Details
leading light admits: the presence of Islamists in power behind the decline in our popularity
Sunday, December 16, 2012 - 14:57

Mohamed Ismail Full Full
Dr. Tarek Fahim leading party light "Salafist", the popularity of the Islamic movement retreated, a reference to a number of factors most notably the presence of the Islamic movement in power. said "Fahim" in a special statement for "The Seventh Day": "There are factors caused the decline mainstream popularity Islamic and which ones attempt powers city thwart Islamists and fabricate battles and bickering with him and occupancy for development and work. " The leader of a party light that there what he called executive machinery and state deep seeking to bring about a state of dislocation in any development plan or reform carried out by Islamists, pointing out that the confusion of life Egypt's political and economic decline of the factors that caused the decline in popularity of the Islamic presence in power, and continued: "The problem is that Islamists received power but snatches powers," and accused the executive does not help the Islamists in power. " and face "Fahim" advice to the masses of the Islamic movement that to show the Egyptian people right and advise the army and police that the State if signed understanding the first affected, and that they cooperate with the Islamic forces. " and student leader of party light that level with Dr. Mohamed Morsi president of the Egyptian people, and reveals the masses of conspiracies that he suffered and