Sunday, December 23, 2012

#Libya’s independence is a constitution was developed before gaining its independence

What is significant about Libya’s independence is a constitution was developed before gaining its independence 

Happy Independence Day from

Happy Independence Day!
December 24, 2011 commemorates the 60th year anniversary of  Libya becoming an independent country.We would like to wish everyone a very happy and blessed independence day.
Here is a historical background on today’s special occasion:
On December 24, 1951, Libya was officially declared an independent country. Before Libya gained its independence, during World War II,  European powers wanted to divide Libya into 3 countries. The UK would “oversee” the eastern province (Barga) of Libya, Italy would be given the western province (Tripolitania) & the south of Libya (Fezzan) would be given to France. As a result, protests broke out all over Libya.
The protests were peaceful & organized, with many Libyans coming to Tripoli to support each other & illustrate to the international world that they would not be divided. As a result, many were kidnapped, put in jail & murdered for protesting & to this day their names are documented in the Libya Jihad Center. When the murders & kidnapping continued, the United Nations sent a committee, during the late 1940’s, to investigate what the Libyan people demands were.
A group of Libyans later set out to New York, in order to support & represent the Libyan peoples’ request to form an independent country. The United Nations decided to vote on Libya’s independence & the results were 49 against & 51 for Libya’s independence. The deciding vote in favor of Libya’s independence was made by Haiti. Now one of the main streets in Tripoli was named after Haiti in honor of their decision.
What is significant about Libya’s independence is that although there were not many educated Libyans,  a constitution was  developed before gaining its independence & governmental institutions had already been planned to be put in place before it became independent.
At the time, there was no proper education system, no health care system,  and no companies to harvest Libya’s natural resources. But Libyans started working on bettering the country, even before they gained their independence, to ensure that their country was unified & set out to ensure that it would be prosperous.
With this we salute all the Libyan people on their independence day, new and old, and hope there are many more joyous celebrations to come!