CENSORED: 12 'offensive' pics Facebook doesn't want you to seehttp://on-msn.com/VPMfi0
8:35 PM - 18 Dec 12 · Details
CENSORED: 12 'offensive' pics Facebook doesn't want you to see
3 days ago
Facebook is serious about its many rules, especially ones related to the images you share. The social network won't allow the posting of graphic or pornographic content, and it has been known to interpret that very loosely, banning a New Yorker cartoon showing Adam and Eve, a photo of a woman in a tub showing off her elbows, and even a picture of a woman snuggling with her cat that it said was "sexually inappropriate" (Facebook later apologized, saying its "photo review systems" had malfunctioned). Click through our slideshow to see 12 of these naughty images.
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Oops! Facebook totally thought these were boobs (they're not)
Be careful next time you post a racy photo of your elbows on Facebook: The social network’s "indecent material" police might think it's a pair of boobs and pull it down. The folks at Theories of the Deep Understanding of Things (slightly NSFW) claimed Facebook's censorship policies were going too far and tried to prove it with a little experiment. They posted the above photo of a woman posing in a bathtub and, yes, at first glance, it does look like there's a little too much skin showing for Facebook's tastes. But upon closer inspection, we see those are just a couple of perfectly placed elbows. Looks like Facebook need to attend an anatomy class. [Source]
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