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Gwyneth Paltrow InStyle UK Cover Looks Like She Got The Photoshop Treatment (PHOTO, POLL)
The Huffington Post | By Rebecca Adams Posted: 12/05/2012 1:38 pm EST Updated: 12/05/2012 1:49 pm EST
When we caught a glimpse of InStyle UK's January 2013 cover feature Gwyneth Paltrow, our first thoughts were: where's Gwyn?
Seriously, the shot of the actress makes her look... different. There seems to be a glazed-over feeling to the cover -- like an intense retouching session gone wrong. It took a second for us to register that that was even Gwyneth's face. And anyone else noticing the strange juxtaposition of her foot and thigh? For a hot second we thought she was three-legged. So yah: different.
Strange photo editing and awkward leg positioning aside, the styling is pretty spot on. The GOOP blogger rocks a pink coat and a nude dress, both from the Fall 2012 collection (and both good choices for the blonde, if we say so ourselves). Inside the mag, Gwyneth dishes to designer friend Diane von Furstenburg about husband Chris Martin, her kids and her diet -- aka her juice cleanse of the week.
Check out Gwyneth Paltrow's InStyle UK cover below and tell us what you think. Photoshop foul play or just fine?

Check out some covers with absolutely no airbrushing!