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60 members of PFLP-GC defect to rebels, Ahmed Jibril flees to Tartous. Could that be it for the PFLP-GC?http://www.yalibnan.com/2012/12/15/over-60-key-pflp-gc-members-defect-to-syria-opposition/ …
Dec14: UN is considering the deployment of 4,000 to 10,000 peacekeepers in Syria as an emergency measurehttp://egyptday1.blogspot.com/2012/12/un-is-considering-deployment-of-4000-to.html …
Syria Reportedly Fires Scud Missiles, forces have fired at least six Scud missiles at rebel fighters http://bit.ly/XYIJbi
Syria opposition forms body to preserve state institutionshttp://reut.rs/UIws5R