Friday, December 21, 2012

#Syria Uses Cluster Bombs #Lebanese kidnapped in Syria: #Taliban militants use Turkey

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22hTiny Klout Flag99The New York Times ‏@nytimes
Syria Uses Cluster Bombs to Attack as Many Civilians as Possible
8mTiny Klout Flag61Women Under Siege ‏@WomenUndrSiege
What will it take to bring the misery the Syrian people are enduring to an end? 
48mTiny Klout Flag80RT ‏@RT_com
Lebanese pilgrims kidnapped in Syria: The untold story
1hTiny Klout Flag63perfectsliders ‏@perfectsliders
Dec21:  Taliban militants use Turkey to infiltrate into SyriaNamik Kemal Zeybek recently said
2hTiny Klout Flag63perfectsliders ‏@perfectsliders
Dec21: Free Syrian Army (FSA) has seized its first border crossing post between Syria and Lebanon at Rankous
2hTiny Klout Flag88Anderson Cooper ‏@andersoncooper
Tonight we continue to focus on the arrest and detention of Syrian human rights activist   8p, 10p