Saturday, December 1, 2012

Translated #Egypt press syndicate rejects constitution, & takes action against chairman who voted for it

 press syndicate rejects constitution for curbing freedoms & takes action against chairman who voted for it 

a lawsuit to stop the referendum on the new draft constitution

01-12-2012 - 4:26 PM

Council decided to journalists' union disciplinary action set forth in the Law of the Association and the press charter to Mamdouh guardian Journalists Syndicate, for violating Council resolution union, issued unanimously on 20 November last year to withdraw from the Constituent Assembly of the constitution, because its aggression on the rights and freedoms of the Egyptian people, especially the freedom and independence of the press and the media.
The Council decided to establish a lawsuit urgent invalidating the vote on the draft constitution to allow the President of the Assembly with the participation of Professor Mamdouh guardian in the work of the voting session, in violation of the Bar Council's decision to withdraw from the membership of the Assembly, and Hoalaqrar which was notified to the President of the Assembly official letter.
The Council discussed the journalists in its emergency meeting on Saturday chaired by the first deputy union Gamal Fahmy, position from the encroachment of the draft constitution on the rights and freedoms of the Egyptian people, especially the right to enjoy including advocated by "January revolution" great, of a free press and independent media, council also discussed the issue of attend Journalists Syndicate Mamdouh guardian for the voting session on the final draft, in violation of the Bar Council's decision to withdraw from the work of the Constituent Assembly.
The Council declared its rejection and severe condemnation of the draft constitution, which assaulted the public rights and freedom of opinion and expression, especially the right of the Egyptian people in a free press and independent media.
The Council pays tribute to colleagues union members, who responded to the decision to the union to withdraw from the Constituent Assembly, they Farouk Jweideh and Mohamed Abdel-Alim Dawoud, Ayman Nour, in addition to Dr. Wahid Abdel Meguid, also saluted the response colleagues in a large number of newspapers important to invite the union to the implementation of invisibility protest, next Tuesday .. and called on all fellow union members to follow the lead of those newspapers in invisibility, and adopt the slogan "No to dictatorshi