Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Falcons haven't exactly produced a lot of Hall of Fame players.

tlanta Falcons Cheerleaders

Image via AtlantaFalcons.Com
Image via AtlantaFalcons.Com
Did You Know: The Falcons haven't exactly produced a lot of Hall of Fame players. The only player in the HOF who played more than two seasons in Atlanta is Deion Sanders. Something tells me that will be changing in the decades ahead. 

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  1. 19sTiny Klout Flag31Wesley L Eldridge ‏@weseldridge
    Alabama's weather is absolutely crazy. Last week it was a mid springs day... Today snow???
  2. 23sTiny Klout Flag32Brittany Hylton ‏@bbhylton
    Snow in Alabama(: it finally feels like winter! ♥♥♥  
  3. 26sTiny Klout Flag45Bryan Page ‏@lastnamePage
    Hello snow.....welcome to alabama