11:54 AM - 28 Jan 13 · Details

Cairo, Egypt (CNN) - Egyptian Shura Council approved Monday night, the amendments made by the government, the law, which gives members of the armed forces authority to arrest civilians "temporarily", in the context of post army to impose a curfew and state of emergency, declared by the President Mohamed Morsi, in the governorates of Port Said, Suez and Ismailia.
Included amendments made by the government, to amend certain provisions of the law No. 107 for the year 2012, on the involvement of the armed forces with the civilian police, the maintenance of security and civilian facilities, increase the period of post elements of the army in these tasks, which was done, according to the previous law replaced the amendment, the end referendum on the constitution .
According to the Web site reported, "Egypt",'s state television, citing the Middle East News Agency, the amendment proposed by the government, serving up this period "until the completion of the upcoming legislative elections, and whenever the request of the President of the Republic."
The amendment also included a new paragraph, states that Defense Secretary determines places, that its citizens may be subject to the provisions of that law, as well as members of armed forces who have been granted the power to "judicial police" functions.
The agency quoted the official party leader "middle", and member of the Shura Council, Tariq Malt, saying that he had reservations on paragraph Defense Minister, pointing out that it is expected that the proposed amendments are presented during the evening session Monday.
The Malt: "I do not want to be secretary of defense authority alone in this matter, and we have just started a new phase, in which a civilian president elected, we do not want the return of power to the armed forces, even in part," and called for a coordination mechanism of labor between the armed forces and police.
Recalled that during the tenure of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces management affairs of the country, during the transition period that followed the resignation of former President Hosni Mubarak, the Minister of Justice, former Adel Abdel Hamid, a decision granting " judicial police "to some members of the army, a decision which was opposed strongly group" Muslim Brotherhood ", before the