Sunday, January 6, 2013

Egypt’s Morsi Called for “Boycott” of “All Products” Made by “American Enemies,”

 calls for "boycott" of all American made products Ironically,  still plans to accept US-made jets & tanks

Egypt’s Morsi Called for “Boycott” of “All Products” Made by “American Enemies,” But Will Accept Our Arms

The radical Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt, Mohammed Morsi, stands to benefit, later this month, from a gift of hundreds of American-made weapons of war, paid for by America’s taxpayers.
Ironically, in a rant on Lebanese television in 2010, which can be seen in the video above translated into English by Middle East Media Research Institute, Morsi berated the “American enemies” and Israel, “which is supported by America and its weapons.”  Now, we are planning to support Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood-led Islamic regime with American-made weapons, 200 of our best tanks and 20 of our most sophisticated F-16 fighter jets.
Morsi called for a “boycott” of “all products” made in America because of our support for Israel, but he will readily accept American-made weapons of war, weapons he could turn and point directly at the Israeli people.
Morsi, hardly a moderate Muslim leader, has continually called for armed resistance against Israel and the Israeli people.
In 2010, as Morsi stated again and again that “resistance” against Israel “by us all” was the only way.  He demanded that the Palestinians cease all negotiations with Israel and called a two-state solution with Israel and Palestine an “illusion.”
He even scolded those Palestinians “who erroneously believe that their enemies [i.e. Israel] might give them something.”  He can be seen going on to call the Israeli people, “criminal Zionists,” “occupiers of the land of Palestine,” “blood-suckers,” “warmongers,” and “descendants of apes and pigs,” concluding that they must either be given “everything they want, or else it is war.”
He extolled “all forms of resistance” against Israel, including “military resistance,” and that it should be the “practice of the Muslims and the Arabs outside Palestine” to be “supporting the resistance fighters.”  He once again urged that all Islamic regimes “should support the resistance fighters and besiege the Zionists wherever they are.”
This is the same Morsi that this past year at a campaign rally led his supporters in chanting, “The Koran is our Constitution. . . . Jihad is our path. And death for the sake of Allah is our most lofty aspiration.”