FJP: New evidence could mean death penalty for Mubarak | EgyptIndependent … via@egyindependent
8:47 AM - 21 Jan 13 · Details

The Freedom and Justice Party's legal committee claims that new evidence that will be presented in the retrial of former President Hosni Mubarak may lead to him being sentenced to death.
The party's legal committee chairman Mokhtar al-Ashry said that new evidence has been presented to the fact-finding committee formed by President Mohamed Morsy to investigate the killing of protesters during the revolution. However, Ashray refused to disclose what the new evidence was, saying he was not authorized to reveal it.
Mubarak, 84, was jailed for life last year after being found guilty of failing to prevent the killing of protesters by security forces trying to quell mass demonstrations. But this month, a higher court accepted an appeal from him and former Interior Minister Habib al-Adly and ordered a retrial.
No date has been set yet for the new trial of the former president.
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