Geological History Recorded By Missing Ancient Civilizations
By Carrie Kozikowski
There are many sites around the world which hint at an ancient civilization which predates any of the known ancient civilizations. Written records, including those found in the Bible and the story of Atlantis, hold clues to our distant past, but stories are hard to use as proof of our past. Physical evidence is needed and the only evidence which can be old enough can only be found in rock. Several people have worked independently on the theory that there is a circle around the Earth of ancient sites which seem to mark an ancient equator with 10 equally spaced sites. One article by Jim Alison can be found at More discussion can be found at paper attempts to find other intriguing evidence and offer possible explanations for these ancient site placements. In no way should this paper be considered finished research or definite evidence. The ideas are being offered here in the hopes that other people will help find more information. Basically, the theory being presented here is that there were several cataclysmic events in world history which shifted our poles and nearly wiped out man. The survivors recorded the events in megalithic structures so we would never forget.
The Mayan and Aztec Ages
The Maya split history into 5 Suns or Ages. We are living near the end of the 5th Sun which started in 3113 BC and will end in 2012 AD. Each previous Sun ended in disaster and they predict disaster 12 years from now. A very intriguing document was found and reported by Graham Hancock in his book "Fingerprints of the Gods" on page 98. The Aztecs reported more detail on the previous 4 Suns and actually gave exact year counts for each. They claimed the human race was created at the beginning of the 1st Sun.
Sun / Age | Start Date | End Date | Duration (Years) |
5th | 3113 BC | 2012 AD | 5125 |
4th | 8139 BC | 3113 BC | 5026 |
3rd | 12,220 BC | 8139 BC | 4081 |
2nd | 16,230 BC | 12,220 BC | 4010 |
1st | 20,238 BC | 16,230 BC | 4008 |
Notice the first 3 ages are about 4000 years long and the last 2 ages are about 5000 years long. The last 2 ages represent, just about exactly, two fifths of the Great Zodiac Circle which is equal to 26,000 years. If the first 3 ages represent the other three fifths, then the precession speed changed. Precession is the slow drift of the vernal equinox position along the ecliptic which is where the zodiac star constellations are found. A sudden change in the rate of precession implies a drastic change in the Earth's movements. There must have been a disaster around 8100 BC which changed our view of the stars. If the star movements changed, then it is reasonable to expect the Earth's poles and tilt also changed. If the 5 Suns represent fifths of the Great Zodiac Circle, then 2012 AD is the same as the starting point of 20,238 BC. This means we have come full cycle, the beginning and ending of a circle, the Alpha and the Omega. What happened that was so important in 20,238 BC? What hurt us in 8139 BC?
The Zodiac
The Zodiac is a set of 12 star constellations along the ecliptic. The vernal equinox slowly drifts through all twelve over a period of 26,000 years or the Great Cycle. Today they are used to tell your fortune, but in the past they marked great lengths of time, approximately 2100 years each. There is much debate about which sign represents the start of the circle and what the exact dates are for each Zodiac Age since the constellations do not have exact edges. George Flory has a theory that the center of the Milky Way is the marker for finding each Age. This can be found at . The dates for the Zodiac Ages can be calculated exactly using Redshift 3, a commercially available astronomy software.
The software is excellent except for a serious limitation, it goes back in time to only 4700 BC. To overcome this inconvenience, graphs can be made of the star positions into the future, up to 9999 AD, forming a sine wave. The sine wave function can then to be extrapolated back in time to estimate star positions prior to 4700 BC. Other trends can also be plotted and extrapolated back.
Zodiac Age | Start Date | Comments |
Aquarius | 1999 AD | Actually winter solstice 1998 |
Pisces | 148 BC | |
Aries | 2314 BC | Grid passes through Pleiades center |
Taurus | 4492 BC | |
Gemini | 6681 BC | Extrapolated |
An interesting detail on the Zodiac was also found while using the software. The Zodiac fits well into 12 evenly spaced zones in the sky. However, in the spirit of the Mayan's love of the number 13, the zodiac also works well in 13 "unlucky" zones. The constellation, Virgo, is extra large and covers double the area the other 11 signs cover. Virgo means virgin and might imply it was never touched or was "skipped" in our history. This will be covered later in this paper.
The Egyptians have an intriguing representation of the Zodiac, shown in figure 1. Details of this drawing can be found at . All 12 Zodiac symbols can be found on it, but Cancer is clearly offset, as if it does not belong. Leo appears a little larger than the others. A pole is found by Gemini. There is a strange circular symbol on Libra that looks a little like a person sitting down. The symbols for Mercury and Mars are off the circle whereas the symbols for Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn are on the circle, between the Zodiac symbols. They are in front of Virgo, Gemini, and Aquarius and could easily represent 12,500 BC, 8000 BC, and today. The famous symbol, the Eye of Horus, along with its associated Moon symbol are found between Pisces and Aquarius, representing either today or over 20,000 years ago. What is the Eye of Horus?
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Figure 1 |
The Eye of Horus
The Eye of Horus is a symbol which represents fractions in 64ths in ancient Egyptian. It is interesting to note that the Mayans were counting ages in 13ths; times 5 ages equaling 65 segments of time over the Great Circle. The Eye also has a story that goes with it. Horus, an Egyptian hero, had his eye cut out in a battle and it became the Moon. His eye is missing. Does that mean the Eye of Horus is a spot in the sky that is not marked by a shining star? Only one starless spot in the sky between Pisces and Aquarius could have any useful meaning, the Vernal Equinox position between the two constellations. Why is this spot associated with the Moon? If, instead of referring to today, it refers to 20,000 BC, then does the start of the Great Circle have something to do with the Moon? Did the Moon change orbit? The Eye of Horus can also be seen above the Great Pyramid on the United States one dollar bill. The reason it is on the dollar bill is not entirely clear, but it is at least an interesting coincidence. In Giza, the vernal equinox position in the sky is at 60 degrees altitude (90 degrees minus 30 degrees latitude). The position of this point in the sky can be represented by a sine wave over time.
A = 60 - 23.5 sin (π * t / 13,000)Where A is the altitude in the past
π is 3.14
t is 0 for 2000 AD
t is 3000 for 1000 BC etc
The angle of the southern shaft in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid is 45 degrees. The position of the Eye in that shaft would have been in 8134 BC. This calculated date is very close to the Mayan 8139 BC date. This shaft is currently associated with a star in Orion's belt in the sky around 2500 BC because the layout of the three pyramids matches the layout of the three stars in the constellation (in "The Orion Mystery" by Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert). Maybe the shaft represents both.
The Giza Pyramids in Egypt
The theory with 10 equally spaced megalithic sites along an ancient equator has Giza as one of the points. Since Giza is the best preserved site of the ten, it is the best place to look for more physical evidence. The Great Pyramid seems to be the only one of the three which has alignment shafts and extra rooms inside. If the upper southern shaft in the King's Chamber points to the Eye of Horus in 8134 BC using our current star movement system, then the southern shaft in the Queen's chamber below the King's might represent the position in the sky of the Eye of Horus before the disaster of 8139 BC. In other words, perhaps the pyramid is a calibration monument for before and after a pole shift and Earth tilt change. The northern shaft coming from the King's chamber points to the north pole, the angle of it also representing the latitude of Giza. It actually points up at 32 degrees instead of 30 degrees (Giza's latitude), possibly indicating a slight wander of the north pole over 10,000 years. The northern shaft in the Queen's chamber points up at an angle of 39 degrees, possibly indicating the latitude before the 8100 BC disaster. There is also a shaft pointing north from the lowest chamber at 26 degrees. Perhaps there is even another pole shift indicated. However, there is a 26 degree shaft in each of the three pyramids, so it may be the ancient tilt of the Earth instead. There would be no upward pointing northern shaft if Giza were at the equator because the north pole star could not be seen. Does the ancient equator with the north pole in Alaska date to before 20,000 BC or after?
The three pyramids form the pattern seen in the belt of the constellation, Orion. The star which correlates with the Great Pyramid aligns with the King's chamber shaft in about 2500 BC, not nearly as old as 8139 BC. The pattern on the ground matches the pattern in the sky at about 10,400 BC according to Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert in "The Orion Mystery".
Using Redshift 3 software and extrapolating back, the correlation between the stars and the pyramids was found to be more like 12,500 BC. This date is like the Mayan date for the end of the 2nd Sun and like the date indicated between Libra and Virgo in the standard Zodiac. Perhaps the upper southern shaft pointed to the Eye of Horus when it was built near 8000 BC and the Orion star just happened to align during the pyramid age and to commemorate the event, the Egyptians restored the pyramids.
So, when were the pyramids built, in 20,200 BC, in 12,200 BC, in 8100 BC, or in 2500 BC? If there was a disaster in 8100 BC which shifted the pole, causing the latitude of Giza to change from 39 degrees to 30 degrees (neither indicates an equator), then surely the direction for north changed also. The pyramid walls, the rooms inside the pyramids, and the Sphinx align to the current NESW directions. Therefore, they were built after the disaster of 8100 BC. They do, however, seem much older than 2500 BC, including the Sphinx. This does not mean that nothing was there before 8100 BC, it just means the tall monuments and the Sphinx were built after. The foundations may be older and a close inspection may find megalithic rocks not aligned with NESW. However, Giza clearly holds information about times older than when it was built. The builders knew about the Earth's history all the way back to before 20,000 BC and recorded it in stone afterwards. It should be noted that the two large pyramids look like Libra which could indicate 12,200 BC and the Sphinx looks like Leo which could indicate the time between 12,200 BC and 8100 BC. Two causeways lead from the two large pyramids at strange angles. Perhaps the one leading from the Great Pyramid indicates the previous East and the one leading from the second pyramid indicates the previous winter solstice direction or even another ancient East.
The causeway leading from the Great Pyramid runs about 15 degrees north of East. Allowing the location to represent 39 degrees latitude, the north pole would fall east of Greenland. Teotihuacan in Mexico City has its main causeway aligning about 15 degrees east of north. This points to the same location east of Greenland. Perhaps this was the north pole between 12,200 BC and 8100 BC. This would indicate that the north pole on the coast of Alaska, creating the ancient equator line with 10 equally spaced sites, was either between 20,000 BC and 12,200 BC or was prior to 20,200 BC before the beginning of this Great Cycle.
Another circle or line with sites on it, including Giza, is the 30 degree latitude line. Perhaps, since Giza was part of an ancient latitude line (the equator), it needed to always be part of a latitude line. If so, then perhaps there are sites along the 39 degree latitude line it used to be on. Baalbek in Lebanon looks like a good candidate.
Charles Hapgood
Charles Hapgood had a theory about pole shifts and can be found at . Figures 2A and 2B show his locations. It is not clear how he came to identify these three pole positions or how he dated them, but two of the positions correlate with the positions indicated by the Great Pyramid, and the third location would be near right if Giza were at 26 degrees latitude, which is another possibility. The dates, however, are all wrong according to the theories presented in this paper. His dates go back all the way to 75,000 BC. Since the locations are good, his theories are worth further investigation.
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Figure 2A | Figure 2B |
Miscellaneous Relevant Information
The following information has been gathered from various sources which will not be documented here. However, they are presented to help date some events.
Around 3100 BCMayan calendar start 3113 BC
India - hypothetical grand conjunction - 3102 BC
Egyptian king lists - start around 3100 BC
Around 8100 BC
Egypt's beginnings in Plato's Atlantis story - 8300 BC
Mass extinction - 8000 BC
Neolithic age starts 8000 BC
Farming starts 8000 BC
Oldest city - Jericho - 8000 BC
Around 12,200 BC
Sudden global warming 12,500 BC
Around 16,200 BC
Nothing notable
Around 20,200 BC
Serious drop in sea level around 20,000 BC
Maximum glacial - 18,000 BC
Enoch Books 1 and 2
There are two versions of the Book of Enoch. Book 1 is Ethiopian and seems very old. It has some very disturbing details about "watchers", hence it was not put in the Bible. Book 2 is Slavic and seems a little younger. It is significantly shorter but still has some interesting details. These can be found at . In Book 1, Enoch talks a great deal about a 364 day year. He claims that man is in err when he uses a 360 day year and insists that the extra 4 days are necessary. It is easy for any dedicated observer to know that there are slightly more than 365 days, so the difference is interesting. There is a great deal of discussion about the Moon with its period being the same as today. The book also contains a great deal about the flood and man's evil behavior at that time. Perhaps the original copy of this document predates 8100 BC. A complicated discussion in Enoch 1 on the daytime and nighttime hours in a day at the equinoxes and solstices reveals an 18 hour day with 12 hours and 6 hours of day and night at the solstices (1/3 and 2/3). This 1/3 and 2/3 slit in a 24 hour day occurs today at 50 degrees latitude! The Enoch book does not seem like a northern European story! Giza, however, may have had a latitude of 39 degrees with an Earth tilt of at least 26 degrees, giving that day/night effect on the solstices.
Book 2 gives correct day counts for the year and the moon cycle. However, it has a curious reference to the Creation story. It claims that creation lasted 7000 years and that the 8000th year was timeless or countless. This sounds a little like the 7th day of rest. If creation started in 20,200 BC, then the 8000thyear would have been 12,200BC. Perhaps countless means the zodiac was partially skipped, possibly referring to Virgo. This implies either a geological change or an orbit change to the Earth.
Genesis in the Bible
The Bible does not have any definite dates in it for events. However, there is a possible dating system encoded in Genesis. Typically, people's Bible decoding systems appear complicated and unconvincing. However, this system matches the Mayan year count and is very easy to interpret. Chapters 5 and 11 give the lineage from Adam to Abraham. Each man's age at death is given, his age at the birth of his son, and the years he lived after the birth of his son. Taking these years literally will not give a convincing time span, causing creation to be at about 4000 BC. However, using the years lived after the birth of the son, and adding them together, will give a nice timeline. In other words, use 800 for Adam, 807 for Seth, etc. The system works by forcing Noah to start at 6681 BC, the beginning of Gemini. There is a systematic error for the years before the 8100 BC problem. In fact, Enoch's age when he died was only 360 years compared to the usual over 800 years. The 360 number is very suspicious, since it nearly matches the length of our year. Therefore, they may not have been totally sure about the duration of the "disaster".
The Noah's Flood story is not in the same chapter as the "calendar" system, therefore, the date given for Noah probably is not the real date. The dates given are only to indicate long periods of time, not real ages of the people. The people and stories associated with them are probably real but their life spans are not. Perhaps the Flood was around 8100 BC or perhaps it was during Gemini around 6000BC at the Black Sea.
Name | Years | Date |
Adam | 800 | 13253 BC |
Seth | 807 | 12453 BC (Mayan 12,220 + 219) |
815 | ||
840 | ||
830 | ||
803 | ||
Enoch | 300 | 8358 BC (Mayan 8139 + 219) |
782 | 8058 BC | |
595 | ||
Noah | 450 | 6681 BC (Gemini start) |
500 | ||
403 | ||
403 | ||
430 | ||
209 | 4495 BC (Taurus start) | |
207 | ||
200 | ||
119 | ||
Terah | 135 | 3760 BC (Jewish calendar start) |
Abraham | 75 |
According to Genesis, man was created in the sixth day. The sixth zodiac sign, starting with the beginning of Aquarius, is the beginning of Virgo. Perhaps there was a different Zodiac system and the time was actually Libra. The Bible seems to be implying that creation lasted for 2 ages of the Mayan 5 Sun system, man was living in the 3rd Sun when he was judged and almost destroyed at the end of the 3rd Sun, and the last 2 ages of the Mayan 5 Sun system was the development of civilization as we know it.
Revelation in the Bible
The Book of Revelation is normally considered a book which predicts a disastrous end of the world in the near future. A careful reading reveals the Zodiac system in chapters 4 through 7. With the Zodiac in mind, the book seems to be talking about events in the past and perhaps up to the current time of the writer. The only real prediction is that there will be a new Earth and Heaven at the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. The New Jerusalem is probably the new Great Cycle and the River of Life is Aquarius. Also, there is a count of 144,000 before things can continue. The Maya count 144,000 days in each segment of time when counting the Ages. Another mention of the Zodiac is in the description of the 4 creatures around the throne, a lion (Leo), an ox (Taurus), the face of a man (Aquarius), and a flying eagle (Scorpio?). These 4 signs are every third sign in the Zodiac.
Zodiac Sign | Event |
Aquarius, Capricorn | No obvious mention |
Sagittarius (definitely) | Seal 1 - a white horse, rider holds a bow, conqueror bent on conquest |
Scorpio ? | Seal 2 - fiery red horse, rider given power to take peace from Earth and to make men slay each other |
Libra (definitely) | Seal 3 - black horse, rider holding a pair of scales |
Virgo ? | Seal 4 - pale horse, rider named Death and Hades follows close behind, kills over ¼ of Earth |
Leo ? | Seal 5 - those who had been slain were told to wait a little longer |
Cancer ? | Seal 6 - Earthquake, falling stars to Earth, sky recedes like a scroll rolling up, people hide in caves |
Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces ? | Seal 7 - all kinds of disastrous things |
Aquarius (probably) | New Heaven, new Earth, new Jerusalem, old order of things will pass away, God will make everything new, river through city is water of life, new city has 12 gates |
The overall theory being presented in this paper is summarized here. There were 3 disasters, or major geologic changes, in Earth's recent history. The first, around 20,200 BC, was declared as the starting point for reasons which are not clear and by people now unknown. The glaciers started to melt. The following 8000 years were considered 2 Mayan Sun Ages and 6 Days of Creation in the Bible. The north pole was located on the coast of Alaska. Giza (in Egypt), Easter Island, and Cuzco (in Peru), were located along the equator at that time.
A second geologic change occurred around 12,200 BC. There, again, was a sudden warming, causing more glaciers to melt. Many people died. Most of the Zodiac sign, Virgo, was skipped. Man started to get civilized and spread all over the Earth. There was an ancient civilization capable of megalithic building, sailing all over the world, and measuring the stars. The following 4100 years were in the Age of Leo, were considered 1 Mayan Sun Age, and was the 7th Day of Creation in the Bible. The north pole was located east of Greenland. Giza was located at 39 degrees latitude at that time.
A third geologic change occurred around 8100 BC. This marked the end of the ice age. There was a sudden rise in sea level, drowning many coastal cities, many mammals became extinct, and most of the world's population died. This occurred at the end of the Age of Leo and at the beginning of Cancer. Much of Cancer was skipped. Things settled down by the beginning of Gemini. Man started to rebuild, the Neolithic Age started, farming started, and the oldest known cities appeared. To commemorate the three disastrous events so we would never forget, an unknown, educated group of survivors went around the world and marked locations with megalithic constructions designed to last forever. The pyramids of Giza were built with all the previous Earth alignments marked. The equator of the first two Mayan Ages was marked, the 39th latitude of the 3rd Mayan Age was marked, and, eventually, the 30th latitude of the last 2 Mayan Ages were marked. Giza is the true center of the ancient marking system. The next 10,100 years are known history. Nothing actually happened at the end of the 4th Mayan Age in 3100 BC, but everybody around the world marked it anyway. And finally, everybody is making a big deal about the end of the 5th Mayan Age just because we feel we need to.
What will happen in the Mayan prediction of the end of the world as we know it in 2012 AD? Nothing will happen, except we will learn what it all means, and we will start the new Great Cycle which will last another 26,000 years. First, we will discover that at least two of the 10 spots on the ancient equator (not including the 4 known spots) are real and have incredible secrets to share. This will prove the 10 spot theory is real. Also, other spots along other ancient lines will be found. Next, geologists will figure out how to explain the 3 disaster dates and will have a much better understanding of the ice age changes and climate changes. Then, finally, we will learn who could build the ancient system just after 8000 BC and where they went.