Monday, January 21, 2013

#Google Please consider joining my new community, THANK YOU

Robby Ball

7:47 AM  -  Public
markus rienzner originally shared this post:
big snowfall this weekend....
this is on the way to the "Seekofel" shows the hut from the frozen lake  Pragser Wildsee or Lago di braies 
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Robby Ball

7:47 AM  -  Public
Please consider joining my new community, THANK YOU
Robby Ball originally shared this post:
Trade Rumors, Hot Topics - What a fantastic place to enjoy your spots, make your comments promote your ideas in the friendly confines of a Google community. This is such a nicer format than Facebook groups and allows you to share stories from the newswires, like ESPN, FOX, NBC ABC and the rest so we can keep up with the latest and also be able to scroll back through time without having to worry about stories being removed. Thank you for joining my in "Feel Good Sports" and hope you enjoy your time while here... Have a great day..
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