Monday, January 28, 2013

#Homs #Syria | Destruction from Regime Shelling, Obama says struggling over

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  1. 2mTiny Klout Flag67صفحة الثورة السورية ‏@RevolutionSyria
    (01-28-13)   | Destruction from Regime Shelling 
  2. 2mTiny Klout ‏@bangitout
    Ariel Sharon wake up news: Arafat, dead. Bin Laden, dead. Mubarak, gone. Syria, a mess. Black US president (not... 
  3. 2mTiny Klout Flag66نون عربية ‏@NoonArabia
    : Israeli officials discuss possibility of a pre-emptive attack on war-torn  ” WTH?!! Listen up Arabs!
  4. 4mTiny Klout Flag49NWO Stop ‏@NwoStop
     Hacked Emails Reveal ‘Washington-Approved’ Plan to Stage Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria  
  5. 4mTiny Klout Flag81Hala Gorani ‏@HalaGorani
    Obama says struggling over whether to intervene in  via