Sunday, January 20, 2013

Reported #Breaking LATEST: Agence France-Presse reports Assad's mother has left #Syria for Dubai:

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  1. 10hTiny Klout Flag82UNICEF UK ‏@UNICEF_uk
    Snow near you? children of Syria now face coldest winter in 10yrs & it’s getting worse! £10 could buy 2 baby blankets 
  2. 5mTiny Klout Flag82john roderick ‏@johnroderick
    As a long time thrift store fashion scrounger, I can attest that there are three words that make the heart skip a beat: Tailored In Syria.
  3. 6mTiny Klout Flag59The Commentator ‏@TheCommentator
    LATEST: Agence France-Presse reports Assad's mother has leftSyria for Dubai: 

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  1. 18 JanTiny Klout Flag70TWHITNER @DonteWhitner
    I've been reading a lot of articles... Interviews too....lmao somebody sounds scared! !
  2. 13mTiny Klout Flag72Quora ‏@Quora
    How will the  do against the  in the NFC Championship Game? 
  3. 45mTiny Klout Flag64perfectsliders ‏@perfectsliders
    G+: Jan19: GOOD LUCK WISHES before the NFC Championship game tomorrow!! … 
  4. 1hTiny Klout Flag42RkMeldor ‏@RkMeldor
        Rise up! Not Just a saying for the  but for ...