Wednesday, January 9, 2013

#Obama Ignores Evidence Of Egypt's forces of Islamism are consolidating in Egypt

Mideast: The forces of Islamism are consolidating in Egypt under the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsi. But the Obama administration coddles these enemies of civilization and ignores State Department warnings.

We've known for years that President Obama is wedded to his notion of a "New Beginning," pretending the Middle East's unreconstructed Islamic ideology is compatible with Western Civilization. This week it became public that even its own diplomatic reality checks cannot shake sense into Obama's foreign policy.

John Rossomando of the Investigative Project on Terrorism reports that a number of State Department cables years ago let the White House know that the Muslim Brotherhood, the pan-Arab group behind Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, seeks to impose Muslim Shariah laws. It is not the "moderate" or secular force the Obama administration believes.

An Oct. 21, 2009, cable warned that Coptic Christian scholar Rafik Habib, former Morsi aide and ex-member of his Brotherhood-backed party, told the U.S. embassy that some Brotherhood members are "pragmatic but cautioned that they should not be viewed as 'moderates,'" according to U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Margaret Scobey. "Their goals are the same as 'conservative' MB's: a religious state where Shariah is applied to all aspects of life."

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