- Police truck has been set on fire by protesters in
#Alexandria after heavy tear gas fired.#Egypt pic.twitter.com/Kuc9RSM1 - Jailed and stabbed for the crime of being an atheist in the New
#Egypt http://uncut.indexoncensorship.org/2012/12/alber-saber-egypt-coptic-christian-facebook-innocence-of-muslims/ … - Jan19:
#Egypt German archaeologist uncovered a spectacular bust of Queen Nefertiti in Akhetaton now Amarnahttp://egyptday1.blogspot.com/2013/01/egypt-german-archaeologist-uncovered.html …

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- It's cold out there. Lucky for you, Wild sauce provides a delicious dose of heat. pic.twitter.com/tIjy5tkh
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@AP_NFL:#49ers star Michael Crabtree (@KingCrab15) questioned in alleged sexual assault case: http://apne.ws/W5OSjE#NFL#FalconsRetweeted 86 timesExpand - Rise up! Not Just a saying for the
#falcons but for the people of God to rise up and Give Jesus praise this morning!@edgepointchurch