Thursday, January 17, 2013

#Syria rebels can take out regime warplanes, Our hearts go out to 80 who were killed

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  1. 21hTiny Klout Flag84Susan Rice ‏@AmbassadorRice
    The loss of any young person is devastating. Our hearts go out to the mothers, fathers & loved ones of more than 80 who were killed.
  2. 1mTiny Klout Flag43jetzhowzrock ‏@jetzhowz
    Syrian Freedom: CIA spies 'smuggle 14 Stinger missiles into so rebels can take out regime warplanes'... 
  3. 1mTiny Klout Flag42RkMeldor ‏@RkMeldor
     Aleppo student details chaos, carnage, 100 killed in massacre, They came in and slaughtered: To...