Thursday, March 7, 2013

#Picture Meet Ibrahim, after witnessing war in #Syria, he needed to bring out his romantic side

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  1. 20 hrsTiny Klout Flag88Maroon 5 ‏@maroon5
    1 million refugees . Imagine the populations of DC and New Orleans combined. We can help 
  2. 42 minsTiny Klout ‏@haaretzcom
     claims to uncover  spy equipment monitoring 'sensitive site' near coast 
  3. 50 minsTiny Klout Flag81UN Refugee Agency ‏@Refugees
    Photo of the day: Meet Ibrahim, after witnessing war in , he needed to bring out his romantic side  
  4. 1 hrTiny Klout Flag66FERDINAND OMONDI ‏@FerdyOmondi
    Foreign journalist be like, 'this country is boring, I'm going to Syria!'