Sunday, January 5, 2014

News #Syria A street in Homs, Syria - Before and after Jihad

Adrian Azzopardi

Shared publicly  -  2:04 PM
What Jihad looks like

A street in Homs, Syria - Before and after Jihad
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Almontaser Barri
7:01 PM
Not after jihad.. After dictator assade ho pump not only Homs, sadly all syria 
ash king
7:04 PM
+Adrian Azzopardi its not jihad u r mistaken like all westners . The European and American Israeli and Saudi tax payers money did this .

Adrian Azzopardi
7:24 PM
+ash king Funny :) I posted this elsewhere in a community where someone writing in said"unbelievable". To which I answered, "...and to think that it's our taxes that finance these worthless, fundamentalist monsters." 
anas zatar
7:28 PM
Its not jihad, its what they call a president of syria and he is the does all that just to stay as president 
Lazy P Ranch
7:34 PM
Looks as much the work of the bearded JSOC stormtroopers as it does Syrian rebels or government forces.  Pwnd...
+anas zatar We can debate this until we each go blue in the face. As far as I'm concerned, we feel for your suffering but ultimately, Syria is not our problem. Though, what is our problem, and very serious one at that, is that our respective governments are robbing us to financing your war. If you found it so easy to start it, then it should be equally simple to end it. 
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+anas zatar Perhaps that is his Jihad
+ash king How amusing and typical blame everyone other than who is really responsible. Islam should teach self responsibility but sadly does not.
anas zatar
7:44 PM
They people of syria didnt start the war, the government force how started, but when you see your son have been killed in front your eyes you will.defance and fight that what people did. But that is not jihad, the people call it fighting for freedom 
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odai alnawafleh
7:46 PM
it calls the reforming of the mideast . back in time it was "Sykes-Picot" its getting old now, its the time for the new one "kerry-lavrov".
and happy new mideast!!
+anas zatar Since I just discovered you're from Saudi Arabia, here's a piece of news which should interest you.

Was today's terrorist explosion just a warning shot ultimately funded and organized by none other than the biggest loser from the Syrian detente: Saudi Arabia,because recall that it was Saudi Arabia which orchestrated the near-US invasion after playing Obama and Kerry like a fiddle, in hopes of getting the natgas pipeline under Syria. Following the Putin-brokered peace plan, Saudi will now have to wait at least one more year before re-escalating tensions in the Syria region with hopes of installing its own puppet regime.

In the meantime, is Saudi now openly lashing out at the one country that made this delay a reality. And if so, when, where and how will Putin retaliate against the country that serves as the anchor of the petrodollar system? We look forward to finding out.
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anas zatar
7:48 PM
+Michael Lederman It's not his jihad but its his war to stay in the chair what it ever coast 
+anas zatar I suppose you're writing to me from the battlefield. 
Chesyl Indriani
7:50 PM
Meaning of Jihad is to struggle and not war.
War on Syrians occurs because some people struggle through constitutional institutions have been answered by the government with a military strike
Mohammad Mohammadi Kurdi
7:53 PM
Its Assad fault you dumb crap. He bombed people protesting in streets then people start waging war cause he killed their family. Its common sense be killed or survive.
ash king
7:57 PM
+Michael Lederman Islam has nothing to do with these animals in Syria whom getting paid by US . Europe and Saudi Arabia. Trained in Turkey equipped by Israel these are uneducated people in the arab world who took an employment . Just the job description is to use islam in a bad manor . Same as communist in 1970s and 1980s its just to wash brains and turning people in buch of sheep
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anas zatar
7:58 PM
Why you suppose that?? No I am not but i have relatives living their and i am pretty sure you got the wrong idea 
+Chesyl Indriani Seemingly, a struggle can also lead to war. 
ash king
7:59 PM
President bashar al assad is the only hope for peace in Syria or its another Iraq 
+Mohammad Mohammadi Kurdi ...and I suppose the protesters are using their fists to demolish buildings. 
Mazi Zibai
8:02 PM
This has as much to do with islam as WW1 and 2 have to do with these are wahhabi arabs payed through saudi arabia by england france israel and the usa to destroy one of the last countires not enslaved by the reserve banking system or zionist monetary system. Syria has no reserve bank either does iran, IE NOT ENSLAVED.....get it guys and dont believe these other wahhabis blaming assad, ask the christians what they think of ASSAD , in fact google it , syria was a beautiful country before wahaabi monkies started their invasion....dont fret they are being defeated 
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+Mazi Zibai As an observer, I fully agree with you. Same story with Gaddafi and Libya. Nothing more than a wasteland now with Islamic fundamentalist factions doing battle with one another. 
syed tariq
8:06 PM
+ash king wrong, shia'tan/rafdhy dead-head assad doing all this on the behest of his western/eastern anti-Islamic masters to eliminate true Muslims who intend nothing but the Rule of Allah swt on His earth ... long live Jihad ... Aameen !
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Mohammad Mohammadi Kurdi
8:07 PM
+Mazi Zibai hhahaha explain the death of 130,000 its Assad fault like all dictators e.g hilter mad with power but he doesn't want to share power only to himself. You been you to Syria ignorance is your name. go to Syria you crap yourself it's hell.

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Mazi Zibai
8:09 PM
These wahhabi were created to destryo islam from the inside , this is why they slaughter more muslims than any other group on this planet......just google wahab people and its origins, it came from a filthy arab who lived in england for gods sake, sent to convince muslim arabs to kill muslim turks during the ottoman period...if your a yank or french or english these guys are your governments la iran
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Mohammad Mohammadi Kurdi
8:09 PM
+syed tariq you speak truth.
Mazi Zibai
8:11 PM
Lol and anas is a dear saudi where shiites get slaughtered, women have zero rights and where all suicide belts come from...applaud to you anas you anus
Adrian Azzopardi
8:13 PM
+Mazi Zibai If you're Iranian, just want to say I love your people and country. 
Ahmad Taha
8:14 PM
Jihad nothing has to have with what Siria is living, it is the result of a regime that broke all human principles with his people
Mazi Zibai
8:20 PM
Monkey monkey i have fought and my family have fought in the iran iraq war you stupid ass hole, when some group of monkies like you declare war on a state inoccent people die. Having said that my chrisitan syrian friends who live in syria have seen the atrocities you wahaabi slaves of zion have done including EATING people you final note you filthy wahab......its been three years asshole who do you think god is with now? 
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Mazi Zibai
8:21 PM
Monkey monkey i have video of of wahhabis killing kurd what say you?
Renee Storm
8:21 PM
I have a friend living there through what he calls, the hell of war. He says that Assad will kill until all Syrians are dead. He said we are already dead inside, just waiting for them to kill our bodies. Sad and maddening +Adrian Azzopardi ! 
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Mazi Zibai
8:23 PM
+Adrian Azzopardi thanks Adrian , you see through the propaganda my friend you are not plugged in the matrix, Iran is and will always be forever i wish we were an island like england or isolated like the USA , away fromthese monkeys on our borders
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What a shame !!!
Mazi Zibai
8:27 PM
Mohamad ( what a waste of a name on you) tell me do you feel soooo bad as well for the degenerate monkey rulers in saudi? Or only shiite dicators? What about the king of bahrain he is a dictator like hitler too, THE FUNNIEST THING ABOUT WAHHABIS IS THAT EVEN EGYPT REJECTS YOU AND THEY ARE 100% Sunni....hahahaha you are a monkey 
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Mazi Zibai
8:29 PM
So tell me renee if in the usa a lets say 2000 latinos took up arms in LA and attacked every one and kidnapped and beheaded everyone what would the USA army do....your friend is nothing but an idiot ....ask him before the protests how his life was 
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ash king
8:33 PM
+syed tariq please dude go inject your self in the eye ball with the meds the doctor give you fuck jihad you child killing arss holes. Mr assad will kill u all like dogs u r 
+Renee Storm Hoping to change your mind :)
+Mazi Zibai Not a single thing, see the US Army is not allowed, by law, to do anything within the domestic nation. Only the police, Coast Guard and National Guard are permitted to act within America. 
+Renee Storm And you're right. It is sad and maddening.
Michael Lederman
8:36 PM
+anas zatar and he should be removed, and if it's not voluntary then it should be by force. Assad is worthless and the Syrian people should elect their own government.

That said Syria should also not just become another terrorist nation but one build on democratic principles where the people decide how they will be ruled.
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Chesyl Indriani
8:37 PM
+Adrian Azzopardi  I agree with you that "Seemingly, a struggle can also lead to war". but the war on Syrians are not purely religious war (Jihad). This war involved the countries are very ignorant of the affairs of Muslims and Islam, such as Israel, China, Russia, and France.
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Mazi Zibai
8:40 PM
Yeah right michael youve already forgotten waco right? Go research waco please, also michael no offence but your police are so militirised they are an army....and to address it , no way in hell would your army let a group of 2000 people come across your borders and start beheading people ...youve really got to be delusional to believe that
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+Mazi Zibai I live on a tiny, 316 km2 island in the Mediterranean ;)

I travelled to Tehran and later Bandar Abbas and found the people to be friendly, educated and cultured. Even though my stay was short, I enjoy telling friends here, that I feel it's my second home. I cannot explain it. 
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Mazi Zibai
8:43 PM
Michale please dont mention LAW and the US in the same sentence what an absolute you enjoy being treated as a criminal by the NSA because no matter what your next post says thats the truth dude...your laws and constitution has been destroyed by the same group of powers destroying syria....WAKE UP AMERICAN take back your nation for gods sake
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+Mazi Zibai Research it? I was there. There was no army with us. Just Federal agents and Sherrif' deputies.
syed tariq
8:43 PM
+Mazi Zibai+ash king + Adrian azzopardi -  All you constrained speaking in your 'mother tongue' ugly 'shia'teen'/rafdhy, a cancer intruded inside the ranks of Muslims albeit practicing their own self-style religion and labeling it Islam - absolutely different a to z from that original one the Prophet-saws taught us via his companions (Sahabah RAA) - in all the 5 fundamental pillars of Islam the Shahadah, Salah, Fast, Zakah & Hajj these progens of jews-origin Abdullah bin Saba munafiq have distorted by their own additions n deletions to suit their devilish-wills ... refer their own books n electronic records wherein they are gravely harsh to whole Islam n entire muslim societies ... May Allah-swt guide them Haq or destroy them like A'ad n Thamood .. Ameen
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Mazi Zibai
8:44 PM
Michael syria has been destroyed was a most beautiful nation and now gone , michael ask the chrisitans , ask the christians in syria before you take sides
Lets put this nonsense about Jihad down once and for all. According to the dictionary definitions.

Jihad-Among Muslims a war or struggle against unbelievers.

War-a state of armed conflict between different groups.

Struggle-Make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or resist attack.

Put it all together: Jihad-Among Muslims a state of armed conflict between groups, forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or resist attack against unbelievers.
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+Michael Lederman The people get the leader they deserve. And when they're sick and tired of their leader, they do exactly what the Iranians did. The whole population goes onto the streets unarmed, and brings down the regime. That's a revolution. Syria doesn't even qualify as a civil war. 
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Mazi Zibai
8:50 PM
+syed tariq hey monkey boy you cant even type english.....i cant understand your post except i know its just filled with hate, hate and hate against other muslims right? Dont worry 3 years and assad there!!!! Hahahah go to egypt you monkey arab so that that government can shoot you.....let me tell you wahab....for thousands of years us iranians have existed before you arabs could even wipe your own could not even build as tone wall until the 1700s .....your countires are filled with persian or roman ruins are and will always be a monkey
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Mazi Zibai
8:53 PM
Thats right we follow islam our own way .......and as a result my nation under thirty years of sanctions is now launching its own satellites, has a ballistic missille programme that noone has the balls to attack and we are hijacking cia drones and landing them by remote control......hahhaw hile you arabs behead people and spew hate hate hate....i have one question for you wahha i fitlth....what has the way i follow islam go to do with you?? 
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Mazi Zibai
8:56 PM
Michael also you gotta be wise to the propaganda ......its not jihad amongt muslims....all this crap you see happening are ARABS, please leave the 80 million iranins, 60 million indian muslim, 40 million chinese muslims, 160 million indonesian muslims and millions of malaysian muslims out of it....this is typicala rab behaviour which is why god chose to send the arabs a prohpet , because they are animals and need guidance .....the arabs in typical fashion tried to kill hi. And then they killed one by one all his family
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Syrians bomb Syrians and there are bozos who blame Jews. Go back to your home planet.
ash king
8:57 PM
+syed tariq can you jihad against your brother ?? Can you kill young children unarmed men and women in the name of jihad ?? Jihad means struggle to strive I think the best group who does jihad in Syria is assad's army by saving people because the dirty filty rug headed bastards are killing children's . I just seen a picture of a litte girl which was tide with chains by jihadies to watch while they kill their mother and father then they cut her heart she was 4 years old if this what u call jihad then fuck you with all your religion
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+Wayne Rosenfield Freudian slip? Don't you mean Israel? :)
ash king
9:05 PM
+Wayne Rosenfield go back to your bed before your wife catches you naughty old man who knows fuck all
+anas zatar Yeah right. Because rulers destroy cities for fun to perpetuate their rule.

Next fairy tale? 
Bill Purkayastha
9:07 PM
+anas zatar And that's why Assad has a 70% aporoval rating in Syria? That's why all the "glorious revolutionaries" now say they want him to win?
syed tariq
9:10 PM
+Michael Lederman because the US harmy (army) is badly occupied elsewhere across
the world invading and teaching innocent nations/people how to hell with the 'demo-crazic' agenda suiting their own taste - Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.etc. killing millions and yet calling themselves (offenders) peace-lovers, and the defenders as "terrorists" assuming all except them 'fools' ... !
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+Bill Purkayastha It's very understandable. I was never fond of Assad until this happened. Now I hope he pummels them into the ground. 
Mazi Zibai
9:17 PM
Yeah syed so why dont you go fight againt the us army instead of muslims you retard? Why do you have to butcher muslims for? 
+syed tariq Democracy is the biggest con job ever perpetrated on man. 
syed tariq
9:27 PM
+Mazi Zibai See your 'e' for English n 'i' for I, etc.etc. and all depicting full of love n love n love; you shia'teen munafiqs Iranians/Syrians and all shias don't know your original fathers as you being generated by 'mut'aa'
(prostitution) permitted in your self-knitted home-made religion (by Khomeini, etc.).
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Adrian Azzopardi
9:28 PM
+syed tariq The real enemy is not the people but the leaders of USA, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey. The greater majority of people in Western nations are overwhelmingly against military involvement in Syria and are emotionally against the FSA and other fundamentalist factions.  
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Amee tem
9:47 PM
A boy called ' حمزة الخطيب" Hamza Alkhateeb started this war or as u said " Jihad" with his friends n 2011 he was ten years old studied in elementary school in Daraa city ; they wrote some sentences on wall of the school as they heard from TV about what happened in Egypt and Tunisia, Alasad army burn him to die. So go and blame the smoll boy and his family and city! They are the first Jihades in Syria against Basher Alnajaa NOT Alasad.
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Sami Mas
9:47 PM
Twist facts and turn fallasy upside down and make it right as much as you want. Truth is going to prevail whether you like it or not. Rebeles in Syria don't have airplanes you lying bastard. They are not the ones dropping barrels of TNT on civilians.
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How about cannons?
mahmoud ahmed sweesy
10:12 PM
+Michael Lederman did Jewish people know ho to carry their responsiblilities no niether Christians , it is not related to or religion it is ur manners , and if u didn't believed about that the president Assad of Syria who did all this u can just visit Syria to by ur eyes how the Russian air planes drop the explosives from the sky and see who die from lt, before u judging religions .
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Amid Yousef
10:19 PM
+Adrian Azzopardi how are you, do you mind if I start a new post with this photo? I wanted to drive a different conversation about Syria!
Mazi Zibai
10:25 PM
Mazi Zibai
10:27 PM
+syed tariq haha do you think a momkies opinion really hurts me ...your mom is satan and you are stans spawn filthy i said go to egypt so that your sunni brothers can shoot you....hahaha, one day you filthy arabs will wake up
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Mod Kh
10:27 PM
+Renee Storm I wish that you do not believe what your friend said and actuat he shouldn't be a friend because laying you the life in my countryt was so beautiful till these terrorists came to my country from 42 countries to damage it ask your fridnd why they do not like to make election why they insist to make vote without Assad because they know clearly that people trust him ask him what they doing all these foreign people in my country almost 150000 from other countries want to change president funny realy they came to cut heads of our people did yiu have seen the video how they eating the heart of one syrian soldier after he died I recommend you cancelling your friend ship before he eating yours
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Mazi Zibai
10:28 PM
+sami mas no the canniblas rebel are eating , beheading and raping , the tnt bombs are droped on rebel areas where the so called citizens in those areas are in full support or else they would have moved out like the rest of the normal citizens THREE FREAKIN YEARS AGO you douche bag, you want footage of some wahhabi cannibilism...the truth is out
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Mazi Zibai
10:30 PM
+syed tariq why dont you answer my questins you ape? What has they way i follow islam got to do with you? Why are you a canibal? Why dont you fight wetern forces? Why do the zionists provide you money and arms ? And when are you going to fight the dictators in saudi, bahrain, qatar? Answer theses shatoon ?
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Mazi Zibai
10:33 PM
Its funny wahhabi are actually stronger in western countries where they come from ...france, england and germany is where thousands of wahhabis come from....zionist countries....what a co-incidence...
Mazi Zibai
10:35 PM
EVEN SUNNIS HATE wahhabis lates news from syria ISIS members butchered by FSA they are killing each EXACTLY how ARABS operate....for thousands of years they have been tribal