Sunday, December 28, 2014

Lake Blausee (Blue Lake), Switzerland. Blausee, the intensely blue forest lake romances with a quiet solitude.

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Lake Blausee (Blue Lake), Switzerland.
Blausee, the intensely blue forest lake romances with a quiet solitude.

Created by a rock-slide more than 15,000 years ago, the transparent lake, teeming with trout, is fed by cool, subterranean springs. Its waters is so clear, you can see to the bottom of the lake up to 12m deep.

Blausee, one of the best-known mountain lakes in Switzerland, is located in the midst of a 20 hectare nature park in Bernese Oberland.

Blausee is the perfect place for a quiet retreat. There is a spa and a hotel nearby and even a flourishing trout hatchery.

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