Thursday, January 1, 2015

#TSU After a couple of months in this new social media platform thought I'd give a review

Robby Ball

Shared publicly  -  9:34 AM
#TSU  After a couple of months in this new social media platform thought I'd give a review of my time spent. In general I guess hitting $101.17 in revenue earned must be a milestone, because no other social media platform has ever offered to give me any money for doing something I love to do. (Meeting friendly people all over the world)

One perspective might be would be, how much money would i need to have in the bank to make $50 a month? At 1% I think it's about $60000, so I guess that's not bad for doing something I already like to do, sp might as well continue into the new year with this experiment called TSU

Another perspective might be, is it a decent platform? Is it easy to easy to use and is it pleasurable to the eye, and is it like something I already like to use. Well it seems like it is kinda a mixture of G+ and FB, and it integrates nicely with other platforms. I enjoy my time online, it's easy to use and the people online seem to be as friendly as I could hope for. I do find that accumulating friends, and having to un-friend those that post things I do not want to see on my timeline is no different than any other social media site, but that's just part of life in general..

So in general, would I recommend TSU to everyone, not really. It is all in your perspective on whether or not you want to be on the bleeding edge of a new technology, and whether or not you want to be one of the first to check out a new way of thinking where social media pays you a little something for making them successful. The answer for you is as simple as when did you join #Facebook or #Google+. Did you join facebook when everyone was on Myspace, or did you wait until all your friends had moved? Did you join Googleplus when it was a "ghost town" or did you wait for it to be the best message distribution system on earth? That will answer your question for you.... but in general whether it is TSU or some other platform. The thought of revenue sharing with the masses has been invented. It will one day move to every social media platform (in my opinion) do you get in today or wait for the concept to mature. Either way, the world of social media is maturing, it should be very interesting to participate and or observe..

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