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- Tribute to Mandela and 61 others followPoll: U.S. Jews Favor Clinton for President, Yet Split on Iran Deal retweets6 favorites
- Social Fave and 133 others followEven with Perry dropping out. Poll: 83% of Republicans Considering Running For President: … via @absrdNEWS3 retweets18 favorites
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@LPPollsLatest Political Polls: Politics Polling Aggregation: President Obama, Congress, 2014 Election, Analysis and Political Projections- Jeff Faria and 3 others followNew poll shows 1/3 of #GOP women will gladly vote for a misogynist orange-headed pig for president. … @realDonaldTrumpReply
- નરેશ ભીખાભાઈ પરેચા and 40 others follow.@wolfblitzer: Could you see yourself as president? #BernieOnCNN: "Increasingly, yes" retweets567 favorites