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- RIP Moses Malone, one of the best big men to ever play the game.2 retweets4 favorites
- Mary Ann Johnson and 55 others followThree-time NBA MVP Moses Malone dies at age 60. RIP to one of the greatest ever! Supremely gifted! #RIPMosesMalone …
- deals-sale2121 and 15 others followDarryl Dawkins. Moses Malone. Go to hell 2015.13 retweets18 favorites
- Timothy Neal and 11 others followFrom 1979 to 1987: Moses Malone averaged 25.5 points and 14.1 rebounds per game. Since then? No player has averaged that once in a season.81 retweets28 favorites
- Shocking, horrible news. RIP to the great Moses Malone. He "could get four guys off the street in Petersburg and beat them."7 retweets6 favorites
- 10 retweets4 favorites
- Glamorgblog and 199 others followMoses Malone passes away at age 60: retweets49 favorites
- Milan Kadovic and 21 others follow9 retweets1 favorite