- mags gainsborough Retweeted#Anonymous Taught the Internet How to Hack #ISIS - 20,000 ISIS Twitter Accounts Destroyed the Next Day, http://www.activistpost.com/2015/11/anonymous-taught-the-internet-how-to-hack-isis-20000-isis-twitter-accounts-destroyed-the-next-day.html … #OpISIS
- TraceMichel and 38 others followBREAKING NEWS: Anonymous Takes Down 5,500 ISIS Accounts – 24 Hours Afte... http://goo.gl/YnLVn98 retweets12 likes
- Anna Teresa Arnold and 1 other RetweetedAnonymous demands American web firm stop protecting pro-ISIS sites: http://hill.cm/PaBXopP93 retweets72 likes
- Freedom Wins and 75 others follow#Anonymous would like to Remind Anons Dangers of Hunting ISIS specifically a Warning to Anons on Streets be vigilant and prepared to Fight.15 retweets16 likes
- Don Burcham RetweetedThe hacktivist group Anonymous says it's disabled more than 6,000 Islamic State Twitter accounts http://usat.ly/1j9VQD6 #isis #isil161 retweets168 likes
- PSA: Facebook is Now taking down Post About Anonymous, ISIS ops, Distastful Memes, etc. There is No Freedom of Speech on Fed Book Delete it.29 retweets22 likes
- Donald Trump 2016 and 191 others followPeople are following Anonymous' lead and labelling Isis 'Daesh bags' http://i100.io/Wd77NWd146 retweets126 likes