- jerry muncy RetweetedClinton on Obama’s ISIS strategy: “I would have advised him to do exactly as I believe he is now doing.” #DemDebate311 retweets325 likes
- SweetOnTrump2016 and 86 others followRiddle me this: Why did Obama and Clinton take credit for the withdrawal when they were ending the war but blame Bush when ISIS rose up?77 retweets68 likes
- Pacific Islands NPS and 5 others followAs expected, Clinton gets question about ISIS and her time in the Obama admin #nprdebate5 retweets9 likes
- praveen soni and 1 other followInteresting that Clinton and Sanders both say "ISIS" while Obama always calls it "ISIL"1 retweet3 likes
- American for Trump! and 111 others followCBS: Bottom line: hillary and obama created ISIS. Fact. Ineffectual. Incompetent. But Please Donate To Clinton Foundation.1 retweet2 likes
- Jeff RetweetedSeven Things the Isis-Initiated Attacks Proved About the Policies of Obama and Clinton - http://goo.gl/KClDsf
- 7 Things the #Isis-Initiated Attacks Proved About Policies of Obama & Hillary #sarcasm http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/14/seven-things-the-isis-initiated-attacks-proved-about-the-policies-of-obama-and-clinton/ … #tcot68 retweets40 likes
- Remember. There was no ISIS before Obama, Clinton and Stevens armed Syrian Rebels! #ImpeachObama deny Hillary the democrat nomination. Jail