- Alexis Seutter von L and 26 others followRound 1 of the #GOPdebate, the moderators did not argue with the candidates who answered hard questions with plenty of time. #GoodJobFBN54 retweets126 likes
- What did you think of the undercard #GOPDebate? Here's a look back http://cnn.it/1kLbHZS40 retweets55 likes
- I wonder how many of Mike Huckabee's kids have served in the military? Does the military even take people who murder animals? #GOPDebate63 retweets100 likes
- Dear drag queens who loaned FoxBusiness moderators their most outrageous Liza Minnelli eyelashes: You're so wonderfully evil! #GOPDebate90 retweets132 likes
- Lou Dobbs Retweeted.@BobbyJindal: We need to fire some of these VA bureaucrats and some of these people should go to jail. #GOPDebate95 retweets118 likes
- MY BIG COIN and 32 others followComing up in moments @ChrisStirewalt joins me to recap the first #GOPDebate! Tune in now and join us on @FoxBusiness12 retweets11 likes
- .@BobbyJindal: "Chris, I'll give you a ribbon for participation and a juice box.” http://cnn.it/1OCXWcS #GOPDebate105 retweets140 likes
- Latinos For Trump and 199 others follow.@RickSantorum: "I think for most Americans, the most important business is the family." #GOPDebate74 retweets157 likes