WELL .... Just wondering if this picture foreshadows the the next election. The way things are playing out it might. A #Cruz #Trump team seems to be setting itself up. #Clinton called out Republicans for slamming the door on Syrian refugees: “We’re better than that.” #Election2016 #Poll
Twitter Poll : https://twitter.com/perfectsliders
Hillary #Clinton Dings Bernie #Sanders for Backing Middle Class Tax Hike, Sanders calls Clinton's 9/11 remarks 'absurd'. Trump and #Rubio are rising and #Carson is dropping in New Hampshire, according to a new WBUR poll. #Trump is the clear leader among likely Republican voters in the Granite State, with 22% support Carson and Rubio are tied for second at 11% each. Both have moved since the last poll, with Rubio, the Florida senator, gaining two points, and Carson, the retired brain surgeon, losing four points
Trump renews calls for surveillance of mosques in the US after Paris attack. Reuters Daily #GOP Poll Nov 13th #Trump 34 #Carson 19 #Rubio 9 #Cruz 7 #Bush6 #Huck 4 #Fiorina 3 #Paul 3 After the Paris Attacks, Rethinking Trump, Carson, Clinton & the 2016 Field Bernie #Sanders and Hillary #Clinton go head-to-head on gun control. Clinton crushed it tonight. Won debate 67% to 20% for Sanders. Top Tweeted moment of the #DemDebate : Hillary Clinton defends her integrity, discusses Wall Street and 9/11. Bernie Sanders is not really impressed with Hillary Clinton’s plan for Wall Street Largest candidate follower increases during#DemDebate was #BernieSanders then #HillaryClinton #MartinOMalley Tuition-free college will give hope to millions of young people. It would be an extraordinary investment in our future. #DebateWithBernie Rand #Paul No matter who you support: I want a #Gov that is really, really small - so small I can hardly see it. Rand is HALF right: To some extent, the most economically unequal states are Democratic. .In #GOPdebate , Trump and Carson say hiking pay isn’t the answer - Trump, Carson Rising B/c Americans ‘Have Had It’ w/ Political and Media Establishments #trump #clinton2016 #Clinton #trump2016 #sanders2016 #feelthebern #bush #carson #Carson2016 #Vote #GOP #Election2016#Trump #HillaryClinton #ElectionDay #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #DemDebate#Republican #Benghazi #Polls #Foxnews #Carson #Election #FeelTheBern#BenCarson #JebBush #BernieSanders #JebCanFixIt #Trumptrain
48 votes - votes visible to Public

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If the Election was today, who would you vote for. #Clinton #Obama have very loyal followers, #Trump #Cruz supporters are a very loyal breed too! We see the truth, only Trump can fix this mess we are in RUSSIA SUPPORTS TRUMP - ESTABLISHMENT GETTING NERVOUS #Poll #Election2016
Twitter Poll : https://twitter.com/perfectsliders
#Poll Democratic primary voters believe Trump most difficult to beat... Hillary Clinton says she would not support a formal declaration of war against ISIS. Swing State #Colorado Poll Must Have Hillary Clinton in a Panic — She Loses to Trump, Carson, Rubio, and Cruz. Trump: I want to do something really special, we cannot lose this election to Clinton, calls her worst secretary of state ever #GOPDebate
Hillary #Clinton Dings Bernie #Sanders for Backing Middle Class Tax Hike, Sanders calls Clinton's 9/11 remarks 'absurd'. Trump and #Rubio are rising and#Carson is dropping in New Hampshire, according to a new WBUR poll. #Trump is the clear leader among likely Republican voters in the Granite State, with 22% support Carson and Rubio are tied for second at 11% each. Both have moved since the last poll, with Rubio, the Florida senator, gaining two points, and Carson, the retired brain surgeon, losing four points. Trump renews calls for surveillance of mosques in the US after Paris attack. Reuters Daily #GOP Poll Nov 13th #Trump34 #Carson 19 #Rubio 9 #Cruz 7 #Bush 6 #Huck 4 #Fiorina 3 #Paul 3 After the Paris Attacks, Rethinking Trump, Carson, Clinton & the 2016 Field Bernie #Sandersand Hillary #Clinton go head-to-head on gun control. Clinton crushed it tonight. Won debate 67% to 20% for Sanders. Top Tweeted moment of the #DemDebate : Hillary Clinton defends her integrity, discusses Wall Street and 9/11. Bernie Sanders is not really impressed with Hillary Clinton’s plan for Wall Street Largest candidate follower increases during #DemDebate was #BernieSanders then#HillaryClinton #MartinOMalley Tuition-free college will give hope to millions of young people. It would be an extraordinary investment in our future.#DebateWithBernie Rand #Paul No matter who you support: I want a #Gov that is really, really small - so small I can hardly see it. Rand is HALF right: To some extent, the most economically unequal states are Democratic. .In #GOPdebate , Trump and Carson say hiking pay isn’t the answer - Trump, Carson Rising B/c Americans ‘Have Had It’ w/ Political and Media Establishments #trump #clinton2016 #Clinton #trump2016 #sanders2016 #feelthebern #bush #carson #Carson2016 #Vote #GOP #Election2016 #Trump #HillaryClinton#ElectionDay #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #DemDebate #Republican #Benghazi#Polls #Foxnews #Carson #Election #FeelTheBern #BenCarson #JebBush#BernieSanders #JebCanFixIt #Trumptrain
Twitter Poll : https://twitter.com/perfectsliders
#Poll Democratic primary voters believe Trump most difficult to beat... Hillary Clinton says she would not support a formal declaration of war against ISIS. Swing State #Colorado Poll Must Have Hillary Clinton in a Panic — She Loses to Trump, Carson, Rubio, and Cruz. Trump: I want to do something really special, we cannot lose this election to Clinton, calls her worst secretary of state ever #GOPDebate
Hillary #Clinton Dings Bernie #Sanders for Backing Middle Class Tax Hike, Sanders calls Clinton's 9/11 remarks 'absurd'. Trump and #Rubio are rising and#Carson is dropping in New Hampshire, according to a new WBUR poll. #Trump is the clear leader among likely Republican voters in the Granite State, with 22% support Carson and Rubio are tied for second at 11% each. Both have moved since the last poll, with Rubio, the Florida senator, gaining two points, and Carson, the retired brain surgeon, losing four points. Trump renews calls for surveillance of mosques in the US after Paris attack. Reuters Daily #GOP Poll Nov 13th #Trump34 #Carson 19 #Rubio 9 #Cruz 7 #Bush 6 #Huck 4 #Fiorina 3 #Paul 3 After the Paris Attacks, Rethinking Trump, Carson, Clinton & the 2016 Field Bernie #Sandersand Hillary #Clinton go head-to-head on gun control. Clinton crushed it tonight. Won debate 67% to 20% for Sanders. Top Tweeted moment of the #DemDebate : Hillary Clinton defends her integrity, discusses Wall Street and 9/11. Bernie Sanders is not really impressed with Hillary Clinton’s plan for Wall Street Largest candidate follower increases during #DemDebate was #BernieSanders then#HillaryClinton #MartinOMalley Tuition-free college will give hope to millions of young people. It would be an extraordinary investment in our future.#DebateWithBernie Rand #Paul No matter who you support: I want a #Gov that is really, really small - so small I can hardly see it. Rand is HALF right: To some extent, the most economically unequal states are Democratic. .In #GOPdebate , Trump and Carson say hiking pay isn’t the answer - Trump, Carson Rising B/c Americans ‘Have Had It’ w/ Political and Media Establishments #trump #clinton2016 #Clinton #trump2016 #sanders2016 #feelthebern #bush #carson #Carson2016 #Vote #GOP #Election2016 #Trump #HillaryClinton#ElectionDay #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #DemDebate #Republican #Benghazi#Polls #Foxnews #Carson #Election #FeelTheBern #BenCarson #JebBush#BernieSanders #JebCanFixIt #Trumptrain
135 votes - votes visible to Public
CLINTON We are the World
TRUMP - We are America


Vietnam we suggest Chinese inviolable superb continental sa sa school of Vietnam, the proposal returns gauze ghost island, which China occupies should be returned to Vietnam we toi.thua president obama and the whole Can the world to join hands, say Chinese return all royal sa, Changsha and gauze ghost island.
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#Poll CAST YOUR VOTE Hillary Clinton cares so much about the Syrian refugees she did all she could while in State Dept to help create them. Clinton calls GOP stance on Syria refugees ‘a new low’ Washington Post says it's not just republicans that don't want refugees. That's too damn bad Hillary! Now the Governors Refusing To Take In More Syrian Refugees #election2016
94 votes - votes visible to Public

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#Poll CAST YOUR VOTE - Hillary Clinton: Europe must improve surveillance after#Paris attacks. Trump is an excellent candidate and doesn't carry the baggage of career politicians/ Who would be better on ISIS--Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Hyped on Twitter #Trump 6884 #Clinton 3444 #Sanders 2023 #Cruz 1499#Carson 1274 #election2016
161 votes - votes visible to Public
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