- Eric Daniel Retweeted"RADICAL ISLAM, ISLAMIC TERRORIST!" SAY IT! #Obama #WakeUpAmerica #RadicalIslam #tcot https://shar.es/1c0hnJ58 retweets64 likes
- HUCKLEBERRY D and 2 others RetweetedTed Cruz Offers His Alternative To Obama's 'Profoundly Dangerous' Refugee Policy http://www.hannity.com/articles/hanpr-war-on-terror-487284/ted-cruz-offers-his-alternative-to-14144151/#ixzz3s3pRXiUM …
- Heather RetweetedAnyhow, @AJentleson, if y'all want to have a debate about why Obama's letting a bunch of KNOWN TERRORISTS walk around free, be my guest.14 retweets11 likes
- US President Barack Obama calls on youth to reject extremism behind Paris attack17 retweets18 likes
- Ann Coulter Retweeted PG2Obama is helping by trying to make us a Muslim country. That will make Muslim feel more comfortable.Ann Coulter added,PG2 @griney55Aw shucks maybe Obama can help https://twitter.com/anncoulter/status/667774063104757761 …140 retweets193 likes
- Ladyofthelake and 111 others followThe Obama administration appeals the immigration case to #SCOTUS http://cnn.it/1QT0q6h22 retweets16 likes
- thelabsman and 2 others RetweetedObama: Only 2% of Syrian refugees are fighting age men...the TRUTH is shocking http://www.allenbwest.com/2015/11/obama-only-2-of-syrian-refugees-are-fighting-age-men-the-truth-is-shocking/ …231 retweets134 likes
- Student tells Pres. Obama he's "aging toward a very senior life.": "You hurt my feelings!" http://abcn.ws/1X3abUx54 retweets71 likes
- Diana Chic Retweeted